6 Our sustainability indicators Sustainability Key Performance Indicators Fiscal Year/ (KPIs) September 30th Unit FY 2023 FY 2022 +/– Standards Siemens Graduate Program (SGP) Total community Sept. 30th No. 954 913 4.5% GRI 404-2, WEF Active participants Sept. 30th No. 132 99 33.3% GRI 404-2, WEF Occupational health & safety34 Total Fiscal Year No. 4 2 100.0% GRI 403-9, WEF Fatalities – work related Temporary workers Fiscal Year No. 0 0 GRI 403-9, WEF Employees Fiscal Year No. 0 1 −100.0% GRI 403-9, WEF Contractors Fiscal Year No. 4 1 300.0% GRI 403-9, WEF Total36 Fiscal Year No. 0.000 0.001 –100.0% GRI 403-9, WEF Fatality Rate – work related35 Temporary workers Fiscal Year No. 0.000 0.000 GRI 403-9, WEF Employees Fiscal Year No. 0.000 0.0003 −100.0% GRI 403-9, WEF Total Fiscal Year No. 50 68 −26.5% GRI 403-9, WEF High-consequence work-related Temporary workers Fiscal Year No. 3 1 200.0% GRI 403-9, WEF injuries (excluding fatalities) Employees Fiscal Year No. 47 67 −29.9% GRI 403-9, WEF Total Fiscal Year No. 0.015 0.021 –28.5% GRI 403-9, WEF High-consequence injury rate37 Temporary workers Fiscal Year No. 0.009 0.003 178.4% GRI 403-9, WEF Employees Fiscal Year No. 0.015 0.022 –31.4% GRI 403-9, WEF Total Fiscal Year No. 1,466 1,518 −3.4% GRI 403-9, WEF Recordable injuries Temporary workers Fiscal Year No. 199 210 −5.2% GRI 403-9, WEF Employees Fiscal Year No. 1,267 1,308 −3.1% GRI 403-9, WEF Total Fiscal Year No. 0.43 0.46 –6.1% GRI 403-9, WEF Total recordable injury rate38 Temporary workers Fiscal Year No. 0.63 0.71 –12.1% GRI 403-9, WEF Employees Fiscal Year No. 0.41 0.44 –5.3% GRI 403-9, WEF Total Fiscal Year No. 805 853 −5.6% GRI 403-9, WEF Lost time injuries (LTI) Temporary workers Fiscal Year No. 96 112 −14.3% GRI 403-9, WEF Employees Fiscal Year No. 709 741 −4.3% GRI 403-9, WEF Total Fiscal Year No. 0.24 0.26 −8.2% GRI 403-9, WEF Lost time injury frequency rate Temporary workers Fiscal Year No. 0.30 0.38 −20.5% GRI 403-9, WEF (LTIFR)39 Employees Fiscal Year No. 0.23 0.25 −6.5% GRI 403-9, WEF Number of hours worked Employees Fiscal Year No. (in thousand) 614,731 600,758 2.3% GRI 403-9 Occupational Illness cases Selected countries Fiscal Year No. 62 8840 −29.5% GRI 403-10, WEF Fatalities due to occupational Illness Selected countries Fiscal Year No. 6 1140 –45.5% GRI 403-10 Rate of employees covered with OHS MS that has been externally % of total number audited Total Sept. 30th employees 57% 57%41 0.0% GRI 403-8 Rate employees covered with OHS % of total number MS that has been internally audited Total (w/o SHS) Sept. 30th employees 99.9% n.a. GRI 403-8 % of total number Rate of access to Medical Care42 Total (w/o SHS) Sept. 30th employees 99% 89% 11.8% GRI 403-6 % of total number Rate of access to Health Education42 Total (w/o SHS) Sept. 30th employees 94% 85% 11.0% 34 Excluding CTSI Oncology Solutions. 35 Number of Fatalities x 200,000 / working hours. 36 Fatality Rate w/o contractors. 37 Number of High-consequence injuries x 200,000 / working hours. 38 Number of Recordable injuries x 200,000 / working hours. 39 Number of Lost Time Cases (LTC) x 200,000 / working hours. LTC are accidents that results in at least one lost working day. 40 Due to system change of German Statutory Agency adjusted prior year figures. 41 Realignment due to calculation error in last year. 42 Scope of HM Reporting: Countries >30 employees as well as affiliated companies >30 employees. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 122