6 Our sustainability indicators Sustainability Key Performance Indicators Fiscal Year/ (KPIs) September 30th Unit FY 2023 FY 2022 +/– Standards Corporate Citizenship Donations Total Fiscal Year Million € 29.2 32.1 −9.0% GRI 201-1, WEF Total Fiscal Year % of Net Income 0.3% 0.7% −53.1% GRI 201-1, WEF Sponsoring Social programs (e.g. Arts and education) Total Fiscal Year Million € 14.0 13.5 3.5% GRI 201-1, WEF Community investment total Total Fiscal Year Million € 43.2 45.6 −5.3% GRI 201-1, WEF Total Fiscal Year % of Net Income 0.5% 1.0% −51.2% GRI 201-1, WEF Volunteering hours Total (w/o SHS) Fiscal Year No. (rounded) 36,500 32,650 11.8% GRI 201-1, WEF DEGREE SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK – KPI OVERVIEW (FIGURES WITHOUT SIEMENS HEALTHINEERS) Decarbonization Scope 1+2: Emission reduction % to base year to base year Total (w/o SHS) Fiscal Year (2019) −50% −46% 9.5% Supply Chain: Emission reduction % to base year to base year Total (w/o SHS) Fiscal Year (2020)43 −0.9% 2.5% −134.0% Ethics Quota of participants of Business Conduct Guideline training up to Sept. % of total number (since FY 23) Total (w/o SHS) 30th of employees 69.0% 99.9%44 Governance Resource efficiency Quota of product families with % of relevant 45 51% 35% 43.0% Robust Eco Design Total (w/o SHS) Fiscal Year revenue Purchase Quota – % of relevant Secondary material for metals Total (w/o SHS) Fiscal Year purchase volume 35% 34% 3.0% Purchase Quota – % of relevant Secondary material for resins Total (w/o SHS) Fiscal Year purchase volume < 1% < 1% Quota of waste-to-landfill reduction % to base year to base year (w/o construction waste) Total (w/o SHS) Fiscal Year (2021) −15% −12% 20.2% Equity % of employees in Female share in top management Total (w/o SHS) Sept. 30th top management 31.1% 27.7% 12.3% Share of employees with access to % of total number Siemens employee share plans46 Total (w/o SHS) Fiscal Year of employees 99.9% 98.6% 1.3% Employability Digital learning hours per employee Total (w/o SHS) Fiscal Year No. 23 21 9.5% Level of access to Employee % of total number 42 Total (w/o SHS) Sept. 30th of employees 96% 87% 10.3% Assistance Program Improvement in global LTIFR47 % to base year to base year Total (w/o SHS) Fiscal Year (2020) −26% −19% 36.8% 42 Scope of HM Reporting: Countries >30 employees as well as affiliated companies >30 employees. 43 Base year 2020 is calculated w/o individual supplier emission data. 44 Year-to-year comparison between fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2023 is limited. The current cycle started in fiscal 2023. 45 In FY 23 the share of relevant revenue was 65% of total revenue Siemens w/o SHS. 46 Where legally possible and reasonable. 47 Number of Lost Time Cases (LTC) x 200,000 / working hours. LTC are accidents that results in at least one lost working day. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 123

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