5.5 Corporate citizenship 5.5 Corporate citizenship – Improving people’s living conditions Siemens believes that it is important to work for the good – Giving societies access to knowledge and of society beyond our business activities and to invest in technologies charitable work. This belief is anchored in our Corporate – A variety of projects with three strategic priorities Citizenship Strategy. Our principles serve as a global frame- work and provide guidance for local sponsorship activities, donations, charitable contributions, and memberships. This Management approach guidance defines how a variety of potential contributions Corporate citizenship has been an integral part of Siemens can be deployed connecting each one to our overarching from the very beginning, with the aim to empower people principles. and societies. As defined by Werner von Siemens over 175 years ago, the company’s mission is to provide technol- Our own Corporate Volunteering Standard describes a com- ogies that improve quality of life and create lasting value for mon global corporate citizenship concept and framework society based on our portfolio, knowledge, and expertise. In which is supported by an internal volunteering platform alignment with this mission, our corporate citizenship pro- being launched in fiscal 2023. gram aims to positively impact society in every country where we operate through voluntary work. Targets As an important element of our sustainability strategy, cor- The foundation for our approach are the UN’s Sustainable porate citizenship is embedded in the DEGREE sustainability Development Goals. We identify key topics for our respective framework.1 By strengthening our identification of different countries, derive specific actions and illustrate how we are target groups for our corporate citizenship activities and making a positive contribution to achieving them. This offering a range of training measures covering all phases of approach allows Siemens to focus primarily on giving back to life, we contribute to two of the framework’s fields of action: the societies where we operate. Equity and Employability. Our governance and policies for corporate In every society where we operate, our ambition is to improve citizenship general living and healthcare conditions, enhance educa- Responsibility for selecting and managing non-profit and tional and training opportunities for the labor market, and socially impactful activities lies with the local departments or strengthen social cohesion and cultural identification. At the management teams in each country. This approach helps to same time, we aim to strengthen Siemens’ reputation and provide support and create value where it is needed most. local footprint, increase understanding of our technologies, Simultaneously, we combine in-depth local knowledge with and position our company as an attractive employer, while long-term commitment to overcome social challenges that also laying the foundation for future innovation. vary from region to region. Along with six other international Siemens foundations and Siemens Caring Hands e.V., the Siemens Stiftung comple- ments our corporate citizenship initiatives. WWW.SIEMENSSTIFTUNG.ORG/EN 1 Siemens without SHS. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 102