5.5 Corporate citizenship Actions and results In addition, by equipping research laboratories with control and automation equipment in countries like Hungary, Turkey, Scale sustainability impact with a shared value and Latvia, Siemens is helping improve educational and approach employment opportunities. Grounded in our core business and competencies, we have defined three strategic focus areas for our corporate citizen- In fiscal 2023, we worked with TANSAM, the Tamilnadu ship activities: access to technology, access to education, Smart and Advanced Manufacturing Centre, to build and and sustaining communities. equip an incubation center in India to spur industrial inno- vation at the grassroot level. The center employs under- In addition to participating in traditional philanthropy, we privileged people and has already trained more than 16,000 leverage our technological expertise, capabilities, and prod- students on Industry 4.0 skills. ucts to contribute to society. Donating refurbished laptops to people in need is another Access to technology on the basis of our core element in our aspiration to help transform communities for a competencies better tomorrow. People in need can connect and interact with We want to share our knowledge about automation, digita- others and at the same time get access to quality education. lization, and intelligent infrastructure with the intention of making it accessible to people around the world. Access to education is crucial for societies around the world This knowledge is especially important in developing coun- Our commitment to education encompasses diverse activi- tries, where it can help meet the fundamental needs of local ties and includes STEM-oriented training and promoting societies, including energy supply, clean water, and basic excellence through competition to providing free software medical care. The objective is to help these societies improve licenses and setting up new institutional education paths, their overall quality of life and develop new perspectives for including dual education and apprenticeship systems. solving problems in the future. Our Core Areas Access to Access to Sustaining technology education communities With the aid of our core competencies in Knowledge is a resource on which our future Our goals are to establish stable living condi- digitalization, automation, and electrifica- depends. Therefore, improving educational tions, protect values, unleash creativity, tion, as well as scientific research, we strive prospects and allowing broad access to improve intercultural understanding, and to give as many people as possible the education are critically important challenges contribute to progress. chance to use the latest technologies. for all societies everywhere in the world. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 103