5.4 Occupational health and safety management Continuous expansion of health services We are continuously expanding our spectrum of health ser- LTIFR Employees and Temporary Workers¹ vices to support the resilience and health of our people at Fiscal year work and beyond. In fiscal 2023, 99%1 of our employees 2023 2022 have access to company medical care. This includes the Employees 0.23 0.25 prevention and early identification of health problems Temporary Workers² 0.30 0.38 through health checks, screenings, and vaccinations. We Total 0.24 0.26 treat health issues seriously and in a timely manner, which includes leveraging telemedicine consultations or referrals 1 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR): number of lost-time cases (LTC) × 200,000 / to experts. In addition, we facilitate a successful return to work hours; LTC are accidents that result in at least one lost day of work. 2 As a globally operating company, Siemens isn’t always authorized or able to obtain work by supporting our employees with reintegration mea- sensitive information about contract workers‘ health and occupational safety or complete figures on their work hours. As a result, the Temporary Worker LTIFR for sures and ergonomic advice. Siemens includes only temporary workers hired by a temporary employment agency or under a contract for work and services. 1 94% of our employees were able to take advantage of a wide range of health education offerings designed to Fatalities (work-related) strengthen their health literacy. These offerings are delivered Fiscal year through a holistic approach that covers physical, mental, and 2023 2022 social health and well-being. Employees 0 1 Temporary Workers 0 0 Accident numbers at a low level Contractors 4 1 In fiscal 2023, the number of work-related accidents further Total 4 2 decreased, which correlated with the reduction in the global accident rate (LTIFR) for the same period. Accidents are analyzed and lessons are derived to continuously improve In fiscal 2023, a total of 62 occupational illness cases were and minimize the occurrence of accidents. The characteris- registered.2 The majority of cases were attributed to occupa- tics of this year’s accidents are comparable to the previous tional cancer. year: Joint contribution to our health and safety 78% of the reported incidents were assigned to the “minor” approach category (minor injuries like scratches and abrasions). Finger Our people contribute to our joint health and safety approach injuries continued to account for the majority of incidents. every day. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for imple- menting health and safety due to differing requirements, 4 fatalities occurred in fiscal 2023. One contractor lost their tasks, and work situations throughout the company. Recog- life due to burns sustained in an arc-flash incident, and nizing this, we want to involve our employees in the design another contractor passed away after being struck by a piling and implementation of our health and safety initiatives and rig’s leg. Among the other two contractor fatalities, one programs. The active participation of our people enables our occurred during ventilation maintenance using a lifting company-wide, country-specific, and business-specific initia- platform, and the other during work on a construction site tives and programs to thrive. For instance, psychosocial risks while using a mobile scaffold. Each incident and fatality is a are assessed once a year via the work well-being factors source of grief for the people concerned as well as their embedded in the Siemens Global Engagement Survey families, friends, and colleagues. Each incident is a renewed (SGES)1. The relevant teams then discuss and document the call for us to keep improving and ensuring a safe and healthy risks, opportunities, and measures, and outcomes in a struc- work environment for our people and partners. tured follow-up process. 1 Siemens without SHS. 2 Excluding temporary workers and contractors. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 101