7.3 Our contribution to sustainable development of societies Goal 5 – Achieve gender equality and empower Goal 8 – Promote sustained, inclusive and sus- all women and girls tainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all We firmly believe that promoting diversity in the workforce serves the interests of both society and Siemens itself. Siemens is committed globally to the New Normal Working Diversity reinforces our innovative strength, unleashes Model. Our aim with the new normal is for all our people employee potential, and directly contributes to our business around the world to be able to work on a mobile basis two to success. Our human resources management also supports a three days a week, wherever feasible and reasonable. Mobile transformation in top management, where there is room for working has many advantages for the individual and also for improvement. We are recruiting more women for top mana- the company: for instance, by ensuring that we are prepared gerial positions and are including more women in network- to respond flexibly during future crises. Our worldwide ing activities, trainings, and mentoring programs. Without business operations and our position as a thought leader SHS, Siemens aims to have 30% of its top management mean that in many countries we contribute toward the positions worldwide filled by women by 2025. growth of the gross domestic product (GDP). We are committed to offering attractive jobs and facilitating employment, and Goal 7 – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, we are encouraging the decoupling of economic growth sustainable, and modern energy for all from energy consumption. Our business portfolio covers the entire spectrum of applica- Goal 9 – Build resilient infrastructure, promote tions for modern smart grids and energy distribution systems. inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and The rapid expansion of decentralized energy structures foster innovation powered by Siemens technology creates a more diverse energy mix and improves the security of the energy supply. As a global technology company and innovation leader in The Internet of Things and data-based technologies foster electrification, automation, and digitalization, Siemens energy intelligence and pave the way toward a sustainable supports sustainable industrialization. With our engineering energy landscape. Our technologies facilitate access to expertise, our knowledge of numerous sectors, and our clean, reliable, low-carbon energy. digital technology, we help our business partners across the entire value chain, from design to production, and from operations to maintenance. We believe in international partnerships as the key to innovation. A large percentage of our customers and suppliers are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We have officially adopted sustainability as an additional strategic imperative for our investment decisions. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 134