7.3 Our contribution to sustainable development of societies Goal 11 – Make cities and human settlements Goal 16 – Promote peaceful and inclusive societ- inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable ies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, Siemens is a trusted partner for municipal governments and and inclusive institutions at all levels offers solutions across all infrastructure domains to make cities more efficient, sustainable, and resilient – for instance, We anchor integrity and compliance throughout our company with intelligent transportation solutions, efficient and safe and advance the Siemens Integrity Initiative with external buildings, and smart-city initiatives that leverage the power stakeholders. By these means and through our activities with of digitalization. other players, we support fair competition and ensure our company’s long-term success. Siemens is committed to Goal 12 – Ensure sustainable consumption and incorporating the requirements of the United Nations Global production patterns Compact (UNGC), the Human Rights Declaration, and all other relevant regulations into our supply chain and to pro- Siemens is committed to using resources responsibly and moting their principles through our work with external recognizes that the circular economy offers highly beneficial organizations and institutions. opportunities for business, the environment, and society. By the end of this decade we want to evolve even more toward Goal 17 – Strengthen the means of implementa- the circular economy, for example by increasing the percent- tion and revitalize the Global Partnership for age of metals and plastics we procure as secondary materials. Sustainable Development We also aim to reduce our amount of landfill waste. Siemens has worldwide strategic initiatives for the design phase to As a global company and an advocate of free trade, we - the end of lifecycle of its products and operations, and is believe that partnerships are a key to sustainable develop committed to robust, ecologically friendly design. We apply ment and to our company’s success. We also recognize the disruptive technologies and innovative business models to importance of digitalization, project financing, and public- make an active contribution to the circular economy. private partnerships for sustainable development. In all of these areas, we are partnering with international organiza- Goal 13 – Take urgent action to combat climate tions, business organizations, think tanks, nongovernmental change and its impacts organizations (NGOs), and academia, including the UNGC, World Economic Forum (WEF), econsense, Transparency Our portfolio helps our customers reduce their emissions International, and numerous universities. and thereby achieve their decarbonization goals. Siemens was one of the world’s first industrial firms to commit to making its own business activities carbon neutral by 2030. In addition to reducing emissions from Siemens' operations without SHS by 55% by 2025 and by 90% by 2030, we also strive to lower all emissions associated with us – from our supply chain throughout the entire use phase of our prod- ucts. Siemens without SHS is committed to a 20% reduction in emissions in its supply chain by 2030 compared to 2020 and aims to achieve a CO neutral supply chain by 2050. 2 With its commitment to science-based targets, Siemens supports the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement to limit climate change to 1.5°C (Science-Based Target Initiative, including SHS). SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 135