7.3 Our contribution to sustainable development of societies They are firmly associated with our DEGREE sustainability How we contribute to achieving the SDGs framework, which guides our sustainability management, and From a global perspective, these are the SDGs where Siemens they also describe the details of our sustainability ambitions. has a high or medium impact: The long-term priorities for Siemens as part of our sustain- Goal 3 – Ensure healthy lives and promote able development agenda are clear: We want to apply our well-being for all at all ages engineering expertise and our approach to connect the real and digital worlds, improve people’s quality of life, and protect We make a significant impact on SDG 3 with our business the planet. In particular, this is supported by our corporate - portfolio, especially through SHS and the production tech purpose of “We create technology to transform the everyday, nologies we provide to pharmaceutical companies. In addition for everyone.” The UN’s 17 SDGs have therefore become to the impact of our portfolio, we also care about the health fixtures in our everyday business. Siemens deploys its tech- and safety of our people and contract workers. Separately nology portfolio to support the public and private sectors in from SHS, Siemens sets ambitious goals for access to the digital transformation of industry, building and network Employee Assistance Programs and for reducing employee infrastructures, mobility, and healthcare and can offer exten- accident rates (Lost time injury frequency rate – LTIFR). We sive business opportunities for value-enhancing growth. At also participate in health-related community engagement the same time, we provide cost-effective, innovative solutions activities like cancer awareness campaigns and mobile clinics. for the transition to carbon neutrality. These technologies support customers in achieving their objectives while Goal 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality - consuming fewer resources. To varying extents, Siemens education and promote lifelong learning oppor helps achieve most of the SDGs in the UN’s Agenda 2030 in tunities for all four important ways: Lifelong learning is a basic prerequisite for ensuring employ- → through our products and solutions, ability for our people and in the job market in general. We → by doing business responsibly, offer access to education in multiple ways, including learn- → through our expertise and thought leadership, and ing and education opportunities for all our people, as well as → through our corporate citizenship activities and vocational and more advanced training through partnerships community engagement. with schools and universities. Education for our customers and suppliers is likewise high on our agenda. We also aim to inspire young people to pursue careers in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) with our numerous corporate citizenship activities around the world. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 133