7.3 Our contribution to sustainable development of societies 7.3 Our contribution to sustainable development of societies – Effective influence in achieving UN’s Sustainable The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals Development Goals (SDGs) (SDGs) and their 169 targets serve as a compass for the – SDGs included in our DEGREE sustainability change efforts that must be made by governments, busi- framework nesses, cities, and civil society as a whole if we are to achieve a more sustainable future. The SDGs and their associated targets address the most important economic, social, envi- ronmental, and governance-related challenges of our times, and therefore they help stimulate transformational change. At Siemens we have adopted them as values, and so the SDGs also influence us as a company. Allocation of the SDG goals to Siemens sustainability framework DEGREE n o i b za ar t i c on De y t i l i E b t a h y ic o l s mp E Go rev nan ec E q u i t y y c n e i c R f e e s o e c r u SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 132