5.3 Professional education and lifelong learning Siemens AG in Germany allocated a total of €100 million for Average training hours per employee the Future Fund that will be invested over a period of four fiscal years starting in January 2019. The term of the Future Fund has now been extended to 2026. More than €3 million ∅ 30 training hours per employee. were approved for Future Fund projects in fiscal 2023, about €11 million less than in the previous year. Our open SiTecSkills Academy for technical Average training hours per employee by gender re- and upskilling in fiscal 2023: Working with our external education partners, we opened the SiTecSkills Academy to the wider learning ecosystem, because we want to share our expertise and experience in skilled worker qualification with our customers and other Women: Men: No/other companies. In fiscal 2023, we had 18 training centers in gender entry: Germany that offered about 200 trainings focused on technical ∅ 28h ∅ 30h ∅ 18h re- and upskilling, complemented by professional consulting and support. Vocational training to start your career Further data on professional education and lifelong learning With a dedicated in-house education institution for voca- at Siemens are disclosed in the indicator table. tional training – Siemens Professional Education (SPE) – OUR SUSTAINABLITY INDICATORS Siemens is one of the largest training companies for secondary school graduates. SPE offers apprenticeships and Our people shape Siemens’ learning activities dual-study programs in technical, IT, and commercial fields In our regular Siemens Global Engagement Survey (SGES)1 in to enable young talents to strengthen their existing capabil- fiscal 2023, we asked our people about the growth mindset ities and acquire the new skills needed to shape a digital and culture and their satisfaction with our learning opportunities. automated future. In fiscal 2023, we had approximately 5,800 apprentices and students in dual-study programs The feedback of the SGES underlines that digital learning worldwide. offers our people access to many more learning opportuni- ties and greater flexibility. Lifelong learning is crucial to success On average, each employee spent about 30 hours in digital The survey results also shed light on the fact that our estab- learning or on-site trainings during the fiscal year. Our new lished Siemens MyGrowth program was successfully pro- training opportunities and learning week promotions moted worldwide and was well-received by our people. This resulted in an increase in the number of training hours in was confirmed when we were recognized with several fiscal 2023. awards in fiscal 2023, such as two “Red Dot Design Awards” in the categories “Corporate Design” and “Educational Illus- In fiscal 2023, Siemens invested €237 million in our people’s tration” for MyGrowth. training, which corresponds to an average of €753 per employee. In total, we invested approximately €416 million We will continue to use the survey results to focus on in employee education and training. strategic learning and continuously shaping our portfolio of futureoriented learning opportunities. 1 Siemens without SHS. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 96