5.3 Professional education and lifelong learning 1 → Xcelerate Your Potential at Siemens – XPS Leadership → MyGrowth Learning : Our AI-driven learning platform Program1 is an opportunity for outstanding candidates in My Learning World creates a personalized learning expe- the field of digital business management. By developing rience that is globally accessible any time and offers more their skills and their global networks, the program sup- than 135,000 learning resources across a variety of topics ports participants develop in leadership roles. and formats in order to meet our people’s varied learning → Finance Excellence Program (FEP) is a finance leadership preferences and requirements. Our people can benefit program that builds a foundation for future commercial from multiple learning formats including videos, e-learning leaders with a digital mindset. Participants benefit from modules, virtual training courses, technical literature, being assigned a personal mentor from Siemens’ finance podcasts, and e-books. leadership team and customized development measures. → MyGrowth Career: This program allows our people to → Siemens Graduate Program (SGP) is an international shape their own career development. It is integrated into trainee program for high-potential candidates with a a holistic concept and focuses on the individual’s career master’s degree that has been in existence for more than trajectory. Core components of MyGrowth Career include 100 years. It offers a customized development journey the open markets reflected in the Open Job Market and and excellent networking opportunities throughout the People Profile and other options like Job Tagging (show- company. ing interest in a particular department), Job Shadowing, and Mentoring to encourage personal growth. Our shift to digital learning is key We have seen digital learning accelerate in recent years as Siemens Growth Talks are the connecting links between the the global pandemic compelled a shift in how we deliver elements mentioned above. All of our people receive regular our learning programs. This digitalization trend was well- performance reviews in the form of Siemens Growth Talks. received. Based on the positive reception, we added more These agile, ongoing, forward-looking, strength-based digital training programs, modules, and courses with the conversations support both individual and organizational intention of ensuring broad-based participation and providing growth, performance, and well-being. Support materials like learners with flexibility. discussion guidelines, questions for reflection, and workshop templates help our people, teams, and managers maintain Future-oriented learning and career an ongoing, respectful, and encouraging dialog on personal development instruments development and learning. The MyGrowth program combines our learning and career development tools and content to promote continuous Future Fund supports the transition to a new growth at scale and carve out career progression paths for world of work our people. This program comprises the following three Siemens AG and its Central Works Council intend to take a components: proactive role in shaping structural change. We’re working together to create a learning organization that can master → MyGrowth Self-Reflection: To build a successful career, it structural transformation as well as optimize the opportunities is essential for our people to know their own strengths of change that will benefit our people. A Future Fund has and weaknesses and to be aware of their personal stage been established to support development programs intended of development. A variety of tools and services are offered to help our people stay oriented in a disruptive employment along with content that includes identifying strengths environment. In particular, it enables them to qualify and (Strengthscope®), perception of others (feedback tool), learn beyond their previous limits. It finances projects related and coaching (Peer2Peer). to structural change that go beyond site boundaries, with support from the site management and the Central Works Council. 1 Siemens without SHS. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 95