5.3 Professional education and lifelong learning → With our Siemens Potential Development Programs E Employability 1 (PDP) , we have created an ever-growing network of more Progress on DEGREE ambition #12: than 4,000 people from 57 countries which constantly Increase digital learning hours feeds our talent pipeline. Almost 40 certified programs to “25 by 25” are hosted by different organizations according to their specific business needs. They enable talents to acquire In terms of our DEGREE ambitions, each employee skills that address current and future needs through accel- completed 23 hours of digital learning (+16 hours erated learning interventions and stretch assignments in from fiscal 2020, the basis year – a 229% increase). order to equip them to be powerful transformation OUR DEGREE SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK agents. → GLOW@TI (Global Leadership of Women@Technology & Progress Innovation)1: The GLOW@TI initiative focuses on attract- FY 20: 7h 23h 25h by 2025 ing, developing, and retaining talented women with a background in STEM and associated innovation fields. The Siemens without SHS initiative helps women realize their full potential and promotes a culture of innovation by building strong net- works between departments and organizations. → Siemens Leadership Excellence (SLE)1: Our SLE programs Management compensation at Siemens also includes a life- are designed to connect and enable our leaders. The long learning component. It incorporates long-term perfor- objective of our SLE Pipeline programs for high-ranking mance incentives based on ESG criteria and is defined under executives and global talents is to strategically strengthen Governance in our DEGREE sustainability framework. The our succession planning. Our top management leadership assessment is based on the internal ESG/Sustainability Index, program Leading in Sustainability helps participants think which includes, among other things, digital learning hours.2 strategically about sustainability opportunities for SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATION Siemens, identify sustainable solutions to their business challenges, and provide a common understanding of the Actions and results core competencies and organizational readiness required As a responsible employer, we offer a wide range of profes- for corporate management and transformation. The SLE sional education and learning opportunities to our people. Leaders’ Labs for alumni also enable Siemens to build a These opportunities include development programs, talent- strong global network of managers, both within the entry programs, future-oriented learning, re- and upskilling, organization and beyond. As one of the strategic learning and additional funding for appropriate programs. priorities, we initiated the new scalable L.E.A.P. – Lead. Empower. Accelerate. Practice. program in 2023 for all Customized development programs for our people management levels. Our development programs are customized for both global and local use. Key programs include: Our talent entry programs for individual career paths → Siemens Core Learning Paths (CLP): Designed for specific Siemens’ development and integration of the next generation areas like sales, project management, procurement, of leaders will allow us to build diverse and agile manage- production, and software architecture, CLPs provide self- ment teams capable of successfully managing change and guided learning content and trainer-supported virtual transition and driving growth. Our people are grounded in a training sessions. In fiscal 2023, a total of 29 CLPs were strong growth mindset and values of cohesion and dedication made available to target groups worldwide. that extend above and beyond our programs and even their time at Siemens. 1 Siemens without SHS. 2 Assessment based on the Siemens internal ESG/sustainability index, which is based on customer satisfaction (Net Promoter Score), CO reduction, and digital learning hours. 2 SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 94