5.3 Professional education and lifelong learning 5.3 Professional education and lifelong learning – Broad portfolio for vocational education and train Our P&O Talent & Leadership governance and ing (VET) and lifelong learning policies – MyGrowth program to foster individual growth and Siemens’ global P&O Talent & Leadership unit is responsible performance at scale for winning, developing, connecting, and retaining talents – One of our DEGREE ambitions: 25 digital learning (WIN, GROW and BOND). 1 hours by 2025 Our Global Learning and Growth (GLG) unit is responsible for learning and individual growth at scale by orchestrating and Management approach managing our Siemens Learning & Growth ecosystem, Siemens’ continued growth and success depends on our including our MyGrowth program, with our learning experi- highly qualified and skilled people. That’s why we have ence platform My Learning World, our policies, and other developed an extensive portfolio of lifelong learning oppor- strategic learning initiatives. It gives orientation and guidance tunities to empower our people and help them acquire rele- to our people and leadership and manages development vant skills and enhanced resilience for today and tomorrow. opportunities around the globe. We provide a broad range of trainings that cover technology and other specialties, along We are continuously improving our learning, career develop- with developmental courses for inter-personal skills like ment, and growth opportunities to positively impact our team leadership and team building. people. We focus on lifelong learning and upskilling to - Siemens Professional Education (SPE) coordinates and enable our people to adapt to an ever-changing environ ment. We promote a growth mindset in order to create an manages our international apprenticeships and dual-study inclusive, empowering culture of growth and transformation programs to support ongoing talent development. that helps enhance our people’s employability and supports our sustainable business success. As part of our commitment to our strategic priorities of Empowered People and Growth Mindset, a core focus is on Our comprehensive learning portfolio enables us to continu- driving awareness of the importance of lifelong learning. ally expand and evolve our people’s core competencies. We Siemens’ objective is to help our people manage change aim to support our people in successfully managing transi- effectively and support them in remaining resilient as indi- tion and change while simultaneously enhancing Siemens’ viduals and relevant to the employment market. agility and resilience. Today’s talent recruitment needs to satisfy an increasing need for digital and technical expertise. Targets As the pace of technological development and digitalization In our Siemens DEGREE sustainability framework, our learn- reduces the half-life of expertise, continuous learning and ing ambition and measures related to lifelong learning are upskilling is fundamental to Siemens’ continuing success. embedded in Employability, one of the six fields of action, in order to encourage our people’s resilience.1 Our ongoing investments in vocational education and train- ing (VET) and talent-entry programs also help us attract and retain talents. 1 Siemens without SHS. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 93