5.4 Occupational health and safety management 5.4 Occupational health and safety management – Resilience and well being are at the core of EHS Officers coordinate the collaboration of EHS experts occupational health and safety management across the various fields of action. The main task of this – The Healthy & Safe @ Siemens program will expert function is to advise managers and teams. The func- continue to be rolled out worldwide tion’s profile has changed significantly in recent years: – Further reduction in the accident rate Rather than monitoring compliance with rules and workflows as in the past, the focus is now on supporting our people in dealing safely with dynamically changing requirements. Management approach At Siemens we are committed to creating a healthy and safe Health and safety committees that meet regularly have been work environment for our people and to sustainably support- established in the relevant country organizations and on the ing their well-being and performance. local level. Here, management and employee representatives jointly coordinate the specific measures and initiatives The world of work is changing dynamically, as are the needed for a healthy and safe work environment. demands and needs regarding health and safety. A core task for our occupational health and safety department is to Based on our Business Conduct Guidelines (BCGs), we have maintain and further improve the resilience, adaptability, established internal monitoring systems and a company- and well-being of our people. We believe that focusing on wide risk management and control process. health and safety management reduces the risk of physical injuries and mental ill health. Siemens aims to mitigate We anchor our actions in Siemens’ EHS Principles, which health and safety risks effectively through management embed our EHS policy. They also include an obligation for all systems, designing healthy and safe working conditions, operating units to demonstrate a management system certi- internal monitoring, and controls. Our Employee Assistance fiable to ISO 45001. The effectiveness of these management Program also supports our people in coping with psychosocial systems is subject to an annual internal review that checks, personal concerns through individual counseling. Adapting among other things, whether processes for risk assessments and re-designing our work systems is a continuous task. The and emergency management are implemented in accor- goal is to empower our people to get involved, engage, and dance with internal and external regulations, that inspec- participate. By changing the way we work, digitalization tions and reviews have been carried out, significant risks and provides the opportunity to steadily improve our health and opportunities have been identified and whether they are - safety assessments and management systems globally. reflected in measurable goals and measures. The manage ment system is also externally certified according to market Our occupational health and safety governance requirements in the respective operating units. and policies The Environmental Protection, Health Management, and Siemens’ suppliers commit to upholding the Siemens Group - Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Third-Party Intermediaries Safety (EHS) department manages health and safety mea sures at Siemens. It is organized locally, integrated into each and Business Partners. This Code of Conduct obligates our business unit and each regional company, and reports suppliers to comply with health and safety standards and to directly to the respective business manager. take responsibility for the health and well-being of their employees. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 97