5.4 Occupational health and safety management Targets We design healthy and safe working conditions by continu- One of the DEGREE sustainability framework fields of action ously monitoring and evaluating potential risks and deriving is Employability1. This speaks to the ability of our people to appropriate measures. By doing so, we aim to enable our successfully manage continually changing requirements. In people to achieve a balanced state of well-being, better addition to continuous professional development, individual handle stressors, and use their capacities and resources with resilience is essential for adapting to challenging life events greater awareness. Moreover, we empower our people to and work situations. With our health and safety ambitions to grow, work more productively, and make important contri- maintain and expand access to the Employee Assistance butions to the company’s success. WORKING AT SIEMENS To Program (EAP) and improve the global aggregated accident achieve this, we provide a broad variety of resilience-focused rate (LTIFR), we are contributing to the DEGREE field of activities that include training and curated learning paths via 1 action Employability. our learning platform. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING E Employability Progress on DEGREE ambition #13: E Employability Access to Employee Assistance Program: Progress on DEGREE ambition #14: Maintain high level and expand to 100% 30% improvement in Siemens’ globally globally by 2025 aggregated LTIFR by 2025 100% access to the Employee Assistance Program 30% improvement in the global accident rate (LTIFR) (EAP) by 2025 – As an integral part of our psychosocial by 2025 (base year: 2020) – compared to the refer- risk management, the EAP anonymously supports ence value of 0.31 in fiscal 2020, we have achieved individual employees in coping with psychosocial an improvement of 26% to date. stress through individual consultations. In 2023, 96% of all our colleagues worldwide had access to EAP. Progress This enables us to not only support all our people FY 20: 0.31 – 26% –30% by 2025 worldwide in developing health-promoting behaviors, but shall also help to raise general awareness of psy- Siemens without SHS chosocial issues in society as a whole. Progress FY 20: 82% 96% 100% by 2025 Siemens without SHS 1 Siemens without SHS. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 98