4.3 Product stewardship Clean Supply Chain: Using secondary materials Currently, up to 50% of our revenue (Siemens without SHS) to decouple natural resource use comes from products, systems, solutions, and services that Building on the RED phase dematerialization, the Clean contain substances or groups of substances regulated by Supply Chain category in the Eco Efficiency @ Siemens IEC 62474. We are continuously seeking ways to replace program maps our path to decoupling natural resource use these substances whenever technically possible and reason- from our economic growth. able. In fiscal 2023, we emphasized making a continuous material By systematically applying our approaches to environmen- change from plastics made from fossil fuels to sustainable tally compatible product, system, solution, and service and secondary thermoplastics. For example, we introduced design and closely collaborating with our business partners, a sustainable polyamide 6 composite with a recycling con- we intend to comprehensively support the replacement of tent of 25% to 75% that engineers can apply in their designs. declarable substances and decouple economic development This can lead to a reduction of the product carbon footprint from resource consumption. of 10% to 35%, depending on the application. We also devel- oped an internal standard for sustainable plastics and using Training and stakeholder involvement in product of biobased resins made from waste. stewardship We actively involve our customers in our Ecodesign Risk-aware handling of declarable substances approaches. Our business units reach out to customers to Another essential aspect of product stewardship is the discover their specific requirements for Ecodesign measures responsible handling of substances that are potentially haz- and to get feedback on measures already implemented. ardous for the environment or health, like those regulated by Regular workshops with selected customers like wholesalers the EU REACH regulation. We modify internal IT procedures are conducted to poll their opinions on required or performed and material compliance processes with the aim of making Ecodesign measures. the use of these substances safer. We are also working pro- actively to substitute and reduce them wherever we can. We Since fiscal 2022, the two-part Circular Design learning pro- work to continuously increase the utilization of the digital gram has been available online to all Siemens employees. industrial substance database BOMcheck by our suppliers. In addition, we developed the Leading in Sustainability as We comply fully with the declaration requirements of inter- part of the Top Management Leadership Program, a learning national legislation and IEC 62474, and we are constantly program for our leaders with also a focus on the circular optimizing our interfaces and automated workflows. economy. We maintain internal stakeholder engagement and raise awareness with measures like environmental protection newsletters and environmental information campaigns. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 75