4.3 Product stewardship Siemens’ vision of an almost completely closed lifecycle when applying our RED approach Production Re r fu em rb Use an ishm u fa en c tu t r a gni dn Ecodesign e s eu r Manufacturing and ir a p e R Raw material R e g c lin y extraction c Waste recovery Implementation rate of our RED approach the implementation rate KPI for RED is calculated as the ratio In line with our DEGREE ambition, we consistently monitor of the total RED-conformant revenue share to the total reve- our progress with implementing the Siemens RED approach nues of the relevant product families. across the relevant product families in our business units, excluding Siemens Healthineers (SHS), and supporting busi- The RED approach allows us to use good practice results to nesses such as Real Estate. identify practical Ecodesign measures in a product family that can then be used in other product families. Scheduled To do this, we classify products, systems, solutions, and ser- community meetings of product-related environmental vices into groups that share similar technical characteristics, protection practitioners facilitate this good practice and we evaluate them based on RED criteria. The rate of knowledge-sharing across our business units. We also host implementation of the individual RED phases is then assessed Ecodesign case studies on an internal wiki to facilitate in each of the relevant product families. If a criterion in a RED knowledge-sharing between our business units. phase has been met, all the revenue generated by the product is considered RED-conformant. If a criterion is only partially Focus in fiscal 2023 met, 25% of the revenue is considered RED-conformant. If a As a critical precondition for implementing our RED criterion is not met, the corresponding revenue is disregarded. approach, we worked on developing automated solutions to calculate LCAs and generate EPDs in fiscal 2023. This aims to The RED implementation rate for each product family is then facilitate Ecodesign comparisons and the systematic use of determined by averaging the fulfillment levels of the individual LCAs and EPDs at Siemens. We also published an INTERNAL RED criteria. We calculate the revenue share of our RED-con- ON ECODESIGN to ensure alignment, increase transparency, and formant portfolio by multiplying the RED implementation accelerate knowledge generation on Ecodesign. rate with the revenues of the given product families. Lastly, SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 74