4.1 Climate action electricity, we follow the purchasing guidelines of the WWF’s additional boost, with BEVs comprising 69% of all new orders Next Generation Green Electricity initiative. from May to the end of September of 2023. Siemens has also entered power purchasing agreements Reducing building emissions (PPA) to support our supply with renewable electricity. For Regarding building emissions, we are committed to only instance, in Kalwa, India, we joined a joint venture that owning and occupying assets that are net zero carbon in produces renewable electricity using photovoltaic systems. operation by the year 2030 as part of our EP100 pledge. We Another PPA with Enovos Energie Deutschland in Germany’s plan to achieve this goal through various measures, includ- South Eifel region will consist of a total of 11 photovoltaic ing building new CO -neutral buildings, modernizing existing 2 systems (currently under construction) with a total capacity buildings, and leasing office space that produces the lowest of about 200 GWh a year. Südeifel GmbH & Co KG is respon- possible emissions. Once we have exhausted all possible sible for the planning, construction, and operation of the measures, we plan to purchase high-quality carbon offsets to systems and for marketing the renewable electricity. Siemens compensate for the remaining emissions. Today 37 of our will purchase 39.1 GWh of electricity per year beginning in locations have no net CO e emissions during regular operation. 2 January of 2024. We issued a guideline that defines the criteria for the The use of biogas is another component of our decarboni- CO2-neutral operation of new buildings and sets maximum zation strategy. This has reduced our annual emissions by permissible emissions in the supply chain and in construction 3 13 thousand metric tons of CO2e compared to the use of activities. In fiscal 2023, we launched our new SRE Green conventional natural gas. Lease Guideline to improve the ESG performance of all new leases. Following the guideline, the renovation and expansion In the U.S. we’ve conducted pilot purchases of over 3.6 mil- of our Texas facility is planned to reduce 90% of emissions. lion liters of sustainable aviation fuel. In California, a relocation led to using 58% less space and reducing CO e emissions by 68 metric tons. Reducing motor fleet emissions 2 We are working to reduce the emissions from our motor With our New-Normal Working Model, emissions from the vehicle fleet, which comprises around 44,000 vehicles, and use of our buildings and commuting will be reduced, while are striving to electrify it completely by 2030 as part of our emissions from working from home increase. In total, we EV100 commitment. In fiscal 2023, these emissions totaled calculated emissions from category 3.7, Employee Commut- about 210 thousand metric tons of CO e. ing, at 105 thousand metric tons of CO e, while emissions 2 2 created by working from home amounted to 24 thousand We increased the number of electric vehicles to around metric tons of CO2e, largely due to using IT equipment. For 4,100 and charging points to around 2,750 in fiscal 2023. more details, see WORKING AT SIEMENS. In the UK, we have already made a lot of progress in creating Using an internal CO e price 2 an exclusively electric vehicle fleet. As a result, 23% of the In the UK and Brazil, we are currently using an internal CO2e company fleet is now all-electric, and electric vehicles price to manage our decarbonization activities. In the UK, we accounted for 44% of all new car orders at the end of fiscal raised the price per ton of CO2e in fiscal 2023 to GBP50 from 2023. GBP40 to create a clear pathway to increasing CO2e costs. A major portion of the proceeds is being used to expand the In Germany, our commitment to electrification has seen charging infrastructure for electric vehicles at our new office progress. Of our fleet, over 1,700 vehicles are battery electric location in Farnborough, UK. In Brazil, a so-called shadow vehicles (BEVs). In fiscal 2023, BEVs comprised 37% of all our price of US$240 per ton of CO e was established to support 2 vehicle orders – a significant increase from the past aver- energy efficiency in buildings and factories and, for example, ages. Initiatives to accelerate electrification, combined with to support electrification of the motor vehicle fleet. the rollout of special-edition electric models, have led to an 3 Siemens Real Estate. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 61