Consolidated Financial Statements Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities Cash flows Non-cash changes Reclassifi- (Acquisi- Foreign Fair value cations and tions)/Dis- currency hedge other (in millions of €) 10/01/2022 positions translation adjustments changes 09/30/2023 Non-current notes and bonds 39,964 2,470 > (1,911) 153 (5,291) 35,383 Current notes and bonds 4,797 (4,574) > 114 (59) 5,267 5,545 Loans from banks (current and non-current) 2,745 (404) 39 (144) > (41) 2,194 Other financial indebtedness (current and non-current) 128 546 > (123) > (3) 549 Lease liabilities (current and non-current) 3,002 (771) (3) (97) > 793 2,924 Total debt 50,636 (2,733) 35 (2,162) 94 725 46,596 In addition, other financing activities resulted in €251 million cash flows in fiscal 2023. Cash flows Non-cash changes Reclassifi- (Acquisi- Foreign Fair value cations and tions)/Dis- currency hedge other (in millions of €) 10/01/2021 positions translation adjustments changes 09/30/2022 Non-current notes and bonds 37,505 4,969 > 3,224 (1,255) (4,480) 39,964 Current notes and bonds 5,867 (6,060) > 553 (19) 4,456 4,797 Loans from banks (current and non-current) 2,282 320 361 159 > (377) 2,745 Other financial indebtedness (current and non-current) 116 (453) > 463 > 3 128 Lease liabilities (current and non-current) 2,929 (604) (72) 127 > 622 3,002 Total debt 48,700 (1,829) 289 4,526 (1,274) 224 50,636 In addition, other financing activities resulted in €590 million cash flows in fiscal 2022. Credit facilities As of September 30, 2023, and 2022, Siemens has €7.45 billion lines of credit, which are unused. The €7.0 billion syndicated loan facility matures in February 2026. In September 2023, the unused €450 million revolving bilateral credit facility was extended to September 2024. The facilities are for general corporate purposes. 20