5.2 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Targets Actions and results Equity is one field of action in our DEGREE sustainability We actively promote diversity, equity, and inclusion by creating framework that contributes to a greater sense of belonging a working environment that is open and welcoming to all for all our people. DEGREE ambition #9 – “30% female share people. in top management” – is aimed at continuously improving 1 gender equity. Global LGBTQIA+- Standards and further activities Siemens supports the UN Initiative for Global LGBTQIA+- Standards of Conduct for Companies.1 E Equity Progress on DEGREE ambition #9: In alignment with the Diversity Charter, Siemens and its 30% female share in top management General Works Council have initiated activities like “Respect by 2025 and Appreciation,” which sponsors local projects intended to bring these values to life for our people in Germany. We aim to increase the percentage of top manage- ment positions held by women globally to 30% by Our German prototype program “Trans* at work” supports 1 As of September 30, 2023, September 30, 2025. our people with collegial counselling before, during, and 31.1% of top management positions were held by 1 Following its success, we developed rele- after transition. women (+3.4% points compared to the previous vant program guidelines for our people and managers. In year). OUR DEGREE SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK addition, we were able to work with our people to identify Trans Advocates who could serve as a first point of contact Progress 1 for any inquiries about the program. FY 20: 22.7% 31.1% 30% by 2025 Siemens also released a global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 1 This does not affect local or company-specific diversity targets and Learning Channel to raise awareness of the importance of a requirements set by law or regulation. More details about the targets and staffing requirements that apply to Siemens AG, as well as the diversity more equitable and inclusive workplace and to recognize concepts that are being pursued for the Supervisory Board and Managing Board of Siemens AG, can be found in the annual Corporate Governance and address any potential biases or discriminatory practices.1 Statement available on the Siemens Investor Relations website under the Corporate Governance heading. Siemens without SHS Integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion into all aspects of our people experience journey During the regular review of our practices, we realized that integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion into all aspects of Our commitment to greater gender equity is not limited to our people experience – from recruitment and onboarding top management or to complying with statutory and regula- to career development – is the key element in a more diverse tory requirements; rather, it aims to ensure equal opportunities and inclusive working environment. for all genders at all levels of our company. 1 We launched our global Gender Equity Program (GEP) with the aim of ensuring equity of opportunities across the entire organization – from equitable hiring into business functions and equitable promotions to management to representation 1 of women in top management. 1 Siemens without SHS. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 90