1.2 Company profile As a minority interest, Siemens Energy AG is not included in Siemens Healthineers this Sustainability Report. Siemens is a technology company Based on its foundation in in vitro diagnostics, image-guided that operates in nearly all countries of the world. Ever since therapy, in vivo diagnostics, and cancer care, Siemens it was founded in 1847, Siemens has provided solutions to Healthineers aims to fight the most dangerous non-commu- global challenges and stands for innovation, quality, and nicable diseases such as cancer, stroke, and coronary heart reliability. We are focused on leveraging the digital and sus- disease worldwide, enable efficient workflows in hospitals, tainability transformation to drive sustainable growth. and improve access to modern medical care. Today, more than three billion people around the world still lack access to Industrial businesses adequate medical care. Depending on where you live, this Digital Industries lack of access is even true in developed countries. It is the The industrial world faces tremendous challenges. As our privilege of Siemens Healthineers to provide innovative planet‘s resources are finite, we must decarbonize and do healthcare solutions and services which make healthcare more with less. Digital Industries’ offerings enable customers affordable and accessible for underserved communities to optimize entire value chains from product design and everywhere. development through production and post-sale services. With its advanced software solutions in particular, Digital Key figures Industries supports customers in their evolution towards the In fiscal 2023, which ended on September 30, 2023, Siemens “Digital Enterprise,” resulting in increased flexibility and generated revenues of €78 billion and profits after tax of efficiency of production processes and reduced time to €8.5 billion. As of September 30, 2023, the company had market for new products. approximately 320,000 employees worldwide. SIEMENS FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL 2023, COMBINED MANAGEMENT Smart Infrastructure REPORT, CHAPTER 7, OVERALL ASSESSMENT OF THE ECONOMIC POSITION Siemens Smart Infrastructure drives the decarbonization, resource-efficiency, and people-centricity of energy systems, Customers buildings, and industries by connecting the real and digital Putting customers first is a longstanding tradition at 1 worlds. This helps to improve the way people live and work Siemens. When it comes to technology, sustainability, and by paving the way for the sustainability transition to an innovation, our customers are always at the heart of what all-electric world with decarbonized power supply and effi- we think and do: everything begins with them. That is why cient energy use. we have made “customer impact” a strategic priority. We listen to understand our customers’ needs as early as possible, and Siemens Mobility ideally, before our customers even become aware of them. Siemens Mobility drives the decarbonization and resource- efficiency of transportation by connecting the real and digital To meet our customers’ needs and the constantly changing worlds. Leveraging digital technologies enables lifecycle demands of the markets, Siemens draws on a global sales cost-optimized rail infrastructure and rolling stock, 100% force that takes its guidance from our regional companies. system availability, maximized network capacity, and opti- Key success factors include a strong customer focus, digital mized customer experience and processes to support a transformation, efficient processes, and collaboration with mobility shift in our society. external partners. 1 We call any current or potential purchaser of Siemens products or services, no matter what the sales channel, a “customer.” Some customers who are especially significant for Siemens are called “Key Customers”. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 11

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