4.2 Conserving resources In addition to our Eco Efficiency @ Siemens program, we Actions and results actively pursue resource conservation through other initia- tives. We have implemented initiatives to manage our envi- Energy management and energy efficiency ronmental impact in areas like water, air pollutants, and For energy-intensive units, we adhere to the ISO 50001 biodiversity. Currently, we have specific targets for water and standard, which aims to ensure the effective management of air pollutants at some of our sites. energy consumption in our operations. Currently, 45 Siemens sites have implemented energy management systems com- The global goals of the Eco Efficiency @ Siemens program pliant with ISO 50001. This also requires our sites to conduct are converted into local targets and measures implemented regular internal and external energy and carbon audits. by our sites’ environmental and energy management systems. To calculate energy efficiency, we analyze our energy con- sumption in relation to sales development. Due to reduced R Resource efficiency energy usage by 9.1% and a growth in sales, we increased 1 our energy efficiency by 39% in fiscal 2023 compared to Progress on DEGREE ambition #8: fiscal 2021. Circularity through waste-to-landfill reduction of 50% by 2025 and toward zero landfill waste by 2030 Landfill waste is the type of waste with the greatest 39%¹ environmental impact. That’s why we want to reduce improvement of efficiency in primary & both our hazardous and our non-hazardous landfill secondary energy use compared to 2021 waste by 50% by fiscal 2025 compared to fiscal 2021 and have included these ambitions in our DEGREE When looking at Siemens’ total energy consumption, we sustainability framework as well as the Eco Efficiency differentiate between primary and secondary energy. Our @ Siemens program. With the aid of worldwide work- primary energy consumption declined 16.5% in fiscal 2023. shops, we have developed and implemented measures Our consumption of natural gas and liquid petroleum gas to improve our waste management. Compared to the declined 22.2% compared to the previous fiscal year. With base year 2021, we reduced our landfill waste by 15%. continuing gas shortages, this was a special focus for Siemens in fiscal 2023. To determine energy consumption by Progress our company vehicles, we calculated the consumption of all FY 21: 0% – 15% – 50% by 2025 cars used by employees and for services and our trucks. In ~ –100% by 2030 fiscal 2023, the company fleet consumed about 2,894 thou- Siemens without SHS sand gigajoules of fuel, which is a 1% decrease from the previous fiscal year. Secondary energy consumption means the purchase of electricity and district heating at our sites worldwide. Over- all, the consumption of secondary energy decreased by 2.8% compared to the previous year. Our electricity consumption now stands at 5,586 thousand gigajoules. 1 Siemens without SHS. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 66