Holistic environmental protection Holistic environmental protection Management approach Our internal sustainability network includes environmental Siemens is a global company with locations all over the officers at our sites and specialists in product-related envi- world and activities across a wide range of markets. With our ronmental protection. The Environmental Protection depart- global reach, we aim to minimize our negative impacts and ment is developing programs to support Siemens’ businesses maximize our positive impacts on the environment: from the in their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions production of raw materials for our products and in our in our operations and promote resource efficiency. The supply chain and our own production operations to the use, Sustainability department is responsible for the consolidated recycling, and disposal of those products. Siemens GHG reporting and our Net Zero Operations Program. The significance of environmental protection is continuously With the support of our EHS experts and sustainability officers, increasing. In a rapidly growing global economy characterized the operational managers in our global units oversee the by ongoing urbanization and rising population numbers, implementation of environmental guidelines and programs. Siemens supports a number of global green transformation initiatives. These initiatives include the European Green Siemens has also founded expert panels to ensure that Deal, which aims to transition to a circular economy, restore environmental considerations are integral to our decision- biodiversity, reduce pollutant emissions into the environ- making. The Global Board EHS is comprised of subject-matter ment, reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% experts who develop environmental protection measures below 1990 levels by 2030, and achieve climate neutrality by and programs and provide advice to the Chief People and 2050. Sustainability Officer in consultation with the Siemens Sustainability Board. As part of the New Circular Economy Action Plan, the European Commission proposed the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Siemens’ Environmental Council assesses Siemens’ environ- Regulation (ESPR) in March 2022. This regulation aims to mental risks, opportunities, and trends based on uniform address products’ most harmful environmental impacts and criteria and reports them to the Siemens Enterprise Risk to transition society from a linear approach to a circular Management. The council is composed of environmental approach to conducting business. experts from our business units and countries as well as experts in corporate governance, environmental protection, Our governance and policies on environmental supply chain, sustainability, finance, technology, real estate, protection and insurance. The Siemens’ Chief People and Sustainability Officer, a mem- ber of the Managing Board, works to ensure that we operate in compliance with our environmental guidelines. Our EHS Principles serve as internal binding guidelines for this purpose. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 55