5.1 Working at Siemens Mobile working has been established as a core element of There are other options that our people in Germany can the “New Normal” in order to promote a sustainable work benefit from; for example, approximately 1,3002 childcare culture and environment. places, a summer vacation childcare program, and parent- child health retreats. E Equity The FutureOfWork@SIEMENS initiative The Siemens #FutureOfWork initiative tackles structural Progress on DEGREE ambition #11: changes in the working environment by asking two essential Global commitment to the New Normal questions: 1 Working Model → HOW will we work in the future? (#NewWork) At Siemens, mobile working and flexibility of work → WHAT will we work on in the future? (#NextWork) location in the established hybrid New Normal Work- ing Model (2–3 days of mobile work per week as a #NewWork focuses on helping organizations and individuals standard offering for our people worldwide) also become more flexible and adaptable. For instance, exploring strengthen our ability to attract and retain the best new forms of agile organization, collaboration, leadership, talent. Our DEGREE ambition of a global commitment and flexible working conditions. to the New Normal Working Model supports this aim worldwide. OUR DEGREE SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK In 2020, Siemens introduced #NextWork, which is a method- ology we use to proactively tackle the changing environment Progress by preparing the organization and our people to stay relevant Rollout continued and employable. With #NextWork, we’re addressing the key question of what our future jobs will look like. This includes 1 For employees with job profiles that make this possible and reasonable. identifying the roles, skills, and tasks of tomorrow and pro- Siemens without SHS viding specific and actionable workforce transformation roadmaps through our WIN, GROW, and BOND measures. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING We also encourage our people to achieve a balance between Engagement with stakeholders work and caring for relatives. As this topic continues to grow To highlight our culture of trust and empowerment, we are in importance, we will support our people in Germany who pursuing two initiatives that concentrate on understanding provide care for close family members. We offer a variety of and taking account of our people’s experiences and recog- support options through the Elder Care program. This pro- nizing their achievements: gram is based on four pillars: time off work and flexible working, communication, counseling, and training on health We use the results of our Siemens Global Engagement matters. 2 at regular intervals to assess the efficiency Survey (SGES) and success of our actions and to derive any necessary steps Childcare at Siemens for improvement. In January 2023, we had a response rate In fiscal 2023, as part of its family-friendly corporate policy, for the SGES of 65% (decrease of 4 percentage points from Siemens AG supported its people in Germany with a general the year before). Our People Net Promoter Score (pNPS) was tax-free childcare allowance of up to €100 per calendar 39 (+3 points from the prior year). month per child for the care of preschool-age children at a day-care center or similar facility. Siemens AG also grants its part-time employees in Germany a tax-free childcare allow- ance during parental leave for children up to 14 months of age. 2 Siemens without SHS. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 86