Contents Contents Contents 3 Foreword 4 1 5 Siemens at a glance 7 Social 81 1.1 Our DEGREE sus tainability framework 5.1 Working at Siemens 82 sets measurable ambitions 8 5.2 Div ersity, Equity & Inclusion 89 1.2 Company profile 10 5.3 Pr ofessional education and lifelong learning 93 1.3 Strategy 17 5.4 Occupational healt h and safety management 97 5.5 Corporate citizenship 102 2 Our sustainability management 20 6 2.1 Materiality assessment 21 Our sustainability indicators 106 2.2 Sustainability governance and organization 23 2.3 Partnerships and collaborations for sustainability 26 7 2.4 Sustainability ratings reflect our performance 29 Annex 124 3 7.1 Reporting methodology 125 7.2 Repor ting principles for Customer Governance 31 Avoided Emissions 128 3.1 Compliance and Ethics 32 7.3 Our contr ibution to sustainable development 3.2 Human rights 40 of societies 132 3.3 Sustainable supply chain practices 44 7.4 T ask Force on Climate-Related 3.4 Cybersecurity and data privacy 49 Financial Disclosure (TCFD) 136 7.5 GRI S tandards – key topics and boundaries 144 4 7.6 WEF IBC Metric 146 7.7 S ASB – Electrical Electronic Equipment Index 150 Environment 54 7.8 United Nations CEO Water Mandate 152 Holistic environmental protection 55 7.9 Independent audit or’s report on a limited assurance engagement 154 4.1 Climate action 58 7.10 Notes and forward-looking statements 156 4.2 Conserving resources 65 7.11 F urther information and 4.3 Product stewardship 71 information resources 157 4.4 EU taxonomy 76 SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 3