4.2 Conserving resources Incidents relevant to the environment and fines Siemens uses a worldwide reporting system to document environmental incidents. In fiscal 2023, we recorded no significant incidents resulting in fines over US$10,000. We recorded 14 minor environmental spills or gas losses with low impacts. They involved spills of chemicals, diesel, hydraulic oils, or resins and losses of coolant gases. Stakeholder involvement in conserving resources Stakeholder engagement is a crucial aspect of our environ- mental protection efforts, and we utilize various channels to engage in regular stakeholder dialogs, including with local communities. One of the communications channels used is our internal Environmental Protection Newsletter, where we share updates, achievements, and upcoming initiatives related to environmental protection. We also promote the use of best practices and knowledge transfers within Siemens through global workshops in order to facilitate our efforts in this regard. For more information about the methods used, environmental reporting, and environmental data collection, see REPORTING METHODOLOGY. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 70