3.2 Human rights 3.2 Human rights – Commitment to respect human rights in accordance The Chief Compliance Officer, also appointed to serve as the with international standards Siemens Human Rights Officer by the Managing Board of – Continuous assessment of actual and potential Siemens AG, reports to the Supervisory Board and Managing adverse impacts on people and environment Board on a regular and ad hoc basis on issues concerning throughout our value chain human rights: for example, the German Supply Chain Due – Regular dialogs with human rightsfocused external Diligence Act (LkSG), for which Legal Compliance is the business coalitions overarching coordination body. The SSB has assigned overall responsibility for human rights Management approach to the Siemens Sustainability and Compliance departments. As a global company, we are well aware of our responsibility Their primary task is to proactively and systematically ensure to society. We are unreservedly committed to safeguarding that respect for human rights is deeply embedded in our and respecting human rights in every stage of the value company-wide processes and decision-making. To achieve chain. We understand this to be a key element of acting with this, both departments regularly assess opportunities for integrity and responsible business conduct. improvement in accordance with international standards. The Supply Chain, People and Organization, Environment, The way we function in our own operations, in our supply Health and Safety, Corporate Security, and Siemens Real chain, and in our downstream value chain may affect the Estate departments are responsible for embedding and economic development and advancement of society. maintaining human rights-related due diligence require- Siemens takes a holistic approach to respecting human ments within their processes. This responsibility also includes rights. We strive to continuously assess actual and potential the conceptualization and delivery of training and continuous adverse impacts on people and the environment and inte- learning formats. grate our findings in our company’s policies, procedures, and due diligence practices. Therefore, our commitment to Commitment to human rights and international respecting human rights is an integral part of our manage- standards ment systems and is embedded across company functions The principle of respect for human rights is firmly grounded and business operations globally. in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop- ment. Siemens believes that the 17 Sustainability Develop- Management and responsibilities ment Goals (SDGs) can only be fully achieved if potentially The Siemens Managing Board and the Siemens Sustainability negative impacts within the value chains are examined in Board (SSB) monitor Siemens’ actions in relation to human detail and effective action is taken to counter them. In these rights and our commitment to implementing the United efforts, we are guided by international standards that help Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. companies define their approaches to human rights and These bodies review our progress and our challenges and continuously optimize them. These standards include the identify opportunities for improvement. United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). They highlight the importance of due diligence systems that proactively identify, assess, and mitigate potential adverse human rights impacts. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 40