4.3 Product stewardship services. The implementation of this standard is the respon- products, systems, solutions, and services by 2030. In fiscal sibility of the heads of Siemens’ operating units and is an 2023, 65% of our third-party revenue was defined as rele- integral part of the company’s annual environmental review vant for our RED approach, compared to 57% in fiscal 2022. according to ISO 14001. In addition, our goal is to increase the number of LCAs and EPDs available. As a result, we are continuously expanding Targets our database for monitoring and communicating the envi- Our Ecodesign approach is also embedded in the field of ronmental performance of our products, systems, solutions, action Resource efficiency in our DEGREE sustainability and services. framework. The main objective is to introduce methods and rules for circularity and dematerialization along the entire value chain. R Resource efficiency Progress on DEGREE ambition #7: R Resource efficiency Natural resource decoupling through increased purchase of secondary Progress on DEGREE ambition #6: materials for metals and resins Next-level Robust Eco Design for 100% of relevant Siemens product families We want to increase the procurement of secondary by 2030 materials for metals and resins and implement a circular economy. In fiscal 2023, we purchased 35% The quota of Robust Eco Design implementation for of the metals – primarily iron, copper and aluminum the relevant portfolio elements currently stands at used in the manufacture of our products – from 51% compared to 35% in the year 2022. Only when recycled sources. This percentage is the weighted the rate of implementation reaches 100% can it be average of the secondary material proportions of the assumed that all relevant product families have com- three metals based on average regional or global - pleted each individual phase for Robust Eco Design. values from literature values and supplier informa tion. Last year this share was 34%. Moreover, in fiscal Progress 2023 we sourced < 1% of the resins used to make our FY 21: 26% 51% 100% by 2030 products from recycled sources. We continue to work Siemens without SHS with the recycling chains for technical plastics currently being established, and on further developing product specifications as well as material standards in this context. Applying RED in all relevant product families Progress Our aim has been to intensify the use of lifecycle assess- Metals 35% ments (LCAs) and environmental product declarations Resins