6 Our sustainability indicators Sustainability Key Performance Indicators Fiscal Year/ (KPIs) September 30th Unit FY 2023 FY 2022 +/– Standards SOCIAL 15 Working for Siemens GRI 2-7, SASB Siemens employees16 Total Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 320,000 311,000 2.9% RT-EE_000B Other internal workforce17 Total Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 17,200 16,900 1.8% GRI 2-7 External/third party workers18 Germany Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 4,400 4,400 0.0% GRI 2-8 EMEA Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 175,000 172,000 1.7% GRI 2-7 Americas Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 66,000 64,000 3.1% GRI 2-7 Asia, Australia Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 78,000 75,000 4.0% GRI 2-7 Women Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 88,000 84,000 4.8% GRI 2-7, WEF Men Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 231,000 225,000 2.7% GRI 2-7, WEF No/other gender entry Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 140 180 –22.2% GRI 2-7, WEF Gender n/a Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 900 1,600 –43.8% GRI 2-7, WEF Age group < 30 Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 50,000 48,000 4.2% GRI 2-7 Employee structure19 Age group 30 – 50 Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 188,000 182,000 3.3% GRI 2-7 Age group > 50 Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 81,000 79,000 2.5% GRI 2-7 Age n/a Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 900 1,600 −43.8% GRI 2-7 Young workers below 15 years Sept. 30th % of total employees 0.0% 0.0% GRI 405-1, WEF Young workers 15 – 17 years Sept. 30th % of total employees 0.0% 0.0% GRI 405-1, WEF Blue-collar workers Sept. 30th % of total employees 16.9% 17.3% –2.3% WEF White-collar workers Sept. 30th % of total employees 83.1% 82.7% 0.5% WEF % of employees in Germany Sept. 30th Germany 5.6% 5.7% –1.8% GRI 405-1, WEF % of employees in Germany – Germany in top Top management management positions Sept. 30th positions 0.0% 0.0% GRI 405-1, WEF Disabled employees20 Germany – % of employees in Middle & junior Germany in middle management & junior manage- positions Sept. 30th ment positions 1.9% 1.8% 5.6% GRI 405-1, WEF % of employees in Germany – Germany in Non- management non-management positions Sept. 30th positions 5.3% 5.5% –3.6% GRI 405-1, WEF Employee nationalities21 Total Sept. 30th No. 170 168 1.2% GRI 405-1 15 All employee data in this section are based on headcount. 16 Employee refers to every natural person in an active employment relationship with a fully consolidated Siemens company. Employees are all internal workforce without apprentices, students, interns and other internal workforce. 17 Other internal workforce/non-employees according to our financial reporting guidelines (e.g. apprentices, students, interns and other internal workforce). 18 External/third party workers who work in our workforce/contingent workers. 19 Employee structure data are only for employees, without other internal workforce and without external/third party workers. 20 Severely Handicapped Employees-rate (SHE) is based on legally defined guidelines and specifications according §§ 154-1+3 SGB IX (German Social Law). 21 Employees, without other internal workforce and without external workforce. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 115