6 Our sustainability indicators Sustainability Key Performance Indicators Fiscal Year/ (KPIs) September 30th Unit FY 2023 FY 2022 +/– Standards SIEMENS AT A GLANCE Total revenue Total Fiscal Year Billion € 77.8 72.0 8.0% GRI 201-1, WEF Net income Total Fiscal Year Billion € 8.5 4.4 94.2% GRI 201-1, WEF Adjusted EBITA Margin for the Industrial Business Total Fiscal Year % 15.4% 15.1% 2.0% GRI 201-1, WEF Research and development R&D expenses Total Fiscal Year Billion € 6.2 5.6 10.6% WEF R&D intensity Total Fiscal Year % of revenue 8.0% 7.8% 2.3% WEF Additions to capitalized development expenses Total Fiscal Year Billion € 0.3 0.3 1.7% WEF Patents granted Total Sept. 30th No. (rounded) 45,000 43,600 3.2% WEF Share of patent families with % of total patent SDG-relevance Total Sept. 30th families 46.8% 44.8% 4.5% WEF GOVERNANCE Compliance (continuing and discontinued operations) GRI 205-3, Total Fiscal Year No. 416 363 14.6% GRI 2-27, WEF GRI 205-3, Allegations of bribery1 Fiscal Year No. 21 12 75.0% GRI 2-27, WEF Compliance cases reported Allegations of bribery GRI 205-3, related to actual year Fiscal Year No. 12 7 71.4% GRI 2-27, WEF Allegations of bribery related to previous GRI 205-3, years Fiscal Year No. 11 5 120.0% GRI 2-27, WEF Total Fiscal Year No. 166 212 −21.7% GRI 205-3, WEF Disciplinary sanctions Warnings Fiscal Year No. 87 90 −3.3% GRI 205-3, WEF Dismissals Fiscal Year No. 43 74 −41.9% GRI 205-3, WEF Others2 Fiscal Year No. 36 48 −25.0% GRI 205-3, WEF BCG training – graduating quota % of invited current year Total Fiscal Year employees 67.9% 96.3% –29.5% GRI 205-2, WEF Total Fiscal Year No. (rounded) 129,300 102,000 26.8% GRI 205-2, WEF BCG training – persons graduating EMEA Fiscal Year No. (rounded) 75,900 50,000 51.8% GRI 205-2, WEF current year Americas Fiscal Year No. (rounded) 22,900 19,000 20.5% GRI 205-2, WEF Asia, Australia Fiscal Year No. (rounded) 30,500 20,000 52.5% GRI 205-2, WEF Other specific compliance trainings – persons graduating current year Total Fiscal Year No. (rounded) 461,000 409,000 12.7% GRI 205-2, WEF Integrity Initiative – Projects up to Total Sept. 30th No. 85 85 0.0% WEF Integrity Initiative – Finance budget up to Million US$ provided Total Sept. 30th (rounded) 120 120 0.0% WEF 1 Does also include allegations of granting benefits (but not taking bribes); time of the alleged misconduct may be in more than one period or may be unspecified. Therefore it can be included in both categories. 2 Includes loss of variable and voluntary compensation elements, transfer and suspension. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 107