5.1 Working at Siemens Establishing a culture of trust → Ethics: We foster a culture of trust, adherence to ethical Siemens’ values and ethical standards for doing business are standards, and handling data with care. Our values and anchored in our Business Conduct Guidelines (BCGs). The ethical principles are embedded in our BCGs, on which all BCGs define the basic principles and rules for our conduct our people are trained regularly. COMPLIANCE AND ETHICS both inside and outside the company. The BCGs are binding → Equity: Equal treatment and respect are at the core of our for our employees, managers, and top management globally. corporate values. We aim to be the employer of choice The principles of human rights, non-discrimination and and to foster diversity, inclusion, and community. In non-intimidation, free choice of employment, prohibition of addition to fostering a culture of trust and empowerment, child labor, prohibition of forced labor and all forms of we want to create a sense of belonging and a safe envi- slavery, fair employment (including adequate compensation ronment where our people can give their best. DIVERSITY, and appropriate working hours), freedom of association and EQUITY & INCLUSION collective bargaining, health, occupational safety, personal → Employability: We continually invest in all levels of train- security, and protection and privacy of personal data are ing for our people. We support their resilience as people embedded in Siemens’ BCGs, International Framework and relevance as skilled workers. We strive to enable our Agreement (IFA), Human Rights policy, and Compliance people to manage change effectively and to surpass their system. COMPLIANCE AND ETHICS previous performance levels. We focus on digital learning, employee assistance programs, and occupational health We place fair treatment and respect at the heart of our value and safety measures for them. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION system. Our aim is to respect the personal dignity, privacy, AND LIFELONG LEARNING, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY and rights of each individual. We believe that diversity MANAGEMENT enriches our workplace. We work together without regard to ethnic origin, culture, religion, age, disability, skin color, In addition, the P&O unit supports the DEGREE Governance gender, sexual identity and orientation, or worldview. We do ambition by integrating ESG criteria into the long-term not tolerate discrimination, sexual or any other form of 3 for the Managing Board variable compensation programs harassment, or inappropriate behavior towards individuals and senior management. SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE AND or groups. HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATION Targets We have adopted ambitious, specific goals in our DEGREE sustainability framework. The three fields of action – Ethics, Equity, and Employability – are key priority areas for the P&O 2 unit at Siemens. OUR DEGREE SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK 2 Siemens without SHS. 3 Assessment based on the Siemens internal ESG/sustainability index, which is based on customer satisfaction (Net Promoter Score), CO reduction, and digital learning hours. 2 SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 83