2.4 Sustainability ratings reflect our performance 2.4 Sustainability ratings reflect our performance – Our engagement is recognized in a number of ratings status and a B rating, the best rating in our industry (Industrial – These ratings help us continuously improve our Conglomerates). Prime status recognizes companies for sustainability performance being one of the leaders in their respective industry. – They also strengthen the comparability and trans parency of our sustainability performance for our Sustainalytics customers and investors Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings measure a company’s expo- sure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well a company is managing those risks. In 2023, we were once Our approach to ESG ratings again rated as one of the leading companies in our industry We are proud that our commitment to sustainability and our (Industrial Conglomerates) with a risk rating of 28.4 points efforts are reflected in our public assessments and ratings. (Medium Risk). Siemens actively participates in several sustainability ratings to provide our capital markets and our customers with robust S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA)/ information and support the comparability and transparency Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) of our sustainability performance. Ratings also give us The S&P Global CSA is an annual evaluation of companies’ important insights that assist in our continuous improvement. sustainability practices. The CSA focuses on sustainability We focus primarily on the six ratings summarized below. criteria that are both industry-specific and financially material. In fiscal 2023, Siemens again ranks second among our Siemens continues to achieve strong results in external industry peers (Industrial Conglomerates) with a score of sustainability ratings in fiscal 2023, confirming our leading 81/100. Siemens has been listed in the Dow Jones Sustain- position in the industry. ability World Index (DJSI World) for over 20 years. ESG ratings in fiscal 2023 EcoVadis MSCI EcoVadis provides supplier sustainability ratings for global The MSCI ESG Rating scores global companies on a scale of supply chains. Siemens received 77 points on its scorecard in AAA (leader) to CCC (laggard) based on exposure to industry- 2023, placing it among the top 1% of all companies assessed specific ESG risks and the ability to manage those risks rela- by EcoVadis in our industry. Thanks to this rating, Siemens is tive to peers. In fiscal 2023, Siemens was given an overall being awarded the EcoVadis Gold medal. MSCI ESG rating score of AA. In addition, Siemens is a member of the MSCI World ESG Index. CDP CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs a global disclosure ISS ESG system that helps investors, companies, cities, states, and The ISS ESG Corporate Rating evaluates companies’ ESG- regions manage their environmental impacts. In the most related risks, opportunities, and impacts along the corporate recent CDP Climate Change Rating, Siemens’ climate efforts value chain. Companies are rated from D- to A+ on their continue to be recognized with the rating score A-, which sustainability performance based on an absolute best-in- maintains its position at the Leadership Level of the CDP class standard. For ISS ESG, Siemens again received prime rating. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 29