3.2 Human rights Siemens’ human rights framework I. Periodic human rights impact review process Periodic review How are the material human right aspects and human rights risk issues for Siemens periodically identified? II. Transactional human rights due diligence process Risk identification Risk assessment Risk management How are risks in projects How are risks (incl. monitoring) identified? assessed? What are effective mitigation measures? Grievance mechanism How are effective complaint channels provided? III. Overarching pillars Awareness How is awareness of human rights issues ensured at Siemens? Policy and circulars How is Siemens’ commitment to respecting human rights embedded in policies and circulars? Training and competence building How do you develop target group-specific human rights training for Siemens? Reporting and external communications How are human rights activities and issues disclosed? Stakeholder engagement How do you build an open dialog with external and internal stakeholders? Risk identification How are risks along the value chain identified? Risk management What are effective prevention and mitigation measures? Human rights in customer-related business We are strengthening our governance with regards to envi- Siemens is committed to operationalizing systematic and ronmental, social, and human rights due diligence in preventive human rights due diligence along its value chain. customer-related business through targeted capacity-building, This is also applicable to downstream due diligence with a continuous due diligence tool-related enhancements (in our focus on customer-related business. ESG Risk Due Diligence Tool, the ESG Radar), expanding relevant risk indicators for risk oversight creation, embedding environmental and social risk considerations in the company’s risk management processes, and strengthening risk mitigation pathways with the support of external human rights expertise. The early detection of environmental We are also enhancing our control mechanisms with a and social risks plays a key role primary focus on our business sales department and contin- in human rights due diligence. uously reassessing material areas of adverse impacts – for example, those resulting from certain business fields – so that they can be embedded in our due diligence systems. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 42