1.2 Company profile Siemens’ systematic evaluation draws from customer satisfac- Innovation strengthens Siemens and its tion surveys conducted annually worldwide. The score itself customers is based on a single question: “How likely is it that you would Our Research and Development (R&D) activities are geared recommend Siemens to a colleague or business partner?” towards developing innovative and sustainable solutions for Siemens’ customers and businesses, while simultaneously The survey pursues a holistic approach to customer relations strengthening our competitive positioning. This is also how because it follows up by implementing processes and systems we contribute to society. 4 designed to help foster long-term customer loyalty. We focus on core technologies and innovation fields – Regardless of the score, we initiate a follow-up process after Siemens Company Core Technologies – that play an essential the survey, both internally and externally. When a score is role in the success of Siemens and its customers. The imple- low and considered critical, we take immediate action to mentation of our core technologies by our operating identify key issues and determine what measures are needed businesses and Technology – our central R&D department – to improve the relationship. ensures that research activities and business strategies are closely aligned, and that all businesses can profit equally and quickly from technological developments. For example: Our customers’ satisfaction → Data Analytics & AI: Industrial facilities and infrastruc- is our top priority tures are generating ever-growing amounts of data. Using methods of machine-based data analysis and artificial Despite the tense global situation (for example, with supply intelligence (AI), we help operators increase availability, bottlenecks for materials and goods), our customers have improve operational quality, and reduce the stress on recognized us for our customer support, reliable products, humans and the environment. At the same time, our and a wide range of offerings. By consistently addressing quality statement on industrial-grade AI expresses its their concerns, we have achieved a higher Net Promoter trustworthiness, reliability, and robustness according to Score than the previous year. the requirements suggested for the European Union’s upcoming AI Act. We are focusing on areas where we can make a difference. → Connectivity & Edge: The Industrial Internet of Things This means creating sustainable, long-term value for our (IIoT) is the result of the increasing networking of field customers, for the environment, for society, and for the devices. The IIoT enables field devices to be equipped people who work for Siemens. with additional software-based functions during ongoing operations and makes it possible for the data generated Research and Development by these devices to be evaluated in the field or in the At Siemens our purpose is to provide innovations that cloud. improve the quality of life and create added value for people → Simulation & Digital Twin: Digital twins are the result all over the world. of modeling and simulating systems and processes, including the development and manufacturing of products. Digital twins make it easier to accelerate the commissioning of manufacturing plants, speed up time-to-market, and improve the operation of infrastructures throughout their lifecycles. 4 In most cases, the survey questions are focused on the business unit level. However, the overall score can be aggregated up to the business level and to the level of the entire company. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 13