6 Our sustainability indicators Sustainability Key Performance Indicators Fiscal Year/ (KPIs) September 30th Unit FY 2023 FY 2022 +/– Standards Total % of total waste (w/o construction) Fiscal Year (w/o construction) 93% 93% −0.5% GRI 306-4 % of total Hazardous waste Fiscal Year hazardous waste 57% 64%4 −10.3% GRI 306-4 Recycling & Recovery rate % of total non- Non-hazardous waste Fiscal Year hazardous waste 95% 95% −0.2% GRI 306-4 % of construction Construction waste Fiscal Year waste 80% 97% −17.5% GRI 306-4 Total % of total waste Material Recycling rate (w/o construction) Fiscal Year (w/o construction) 81% 81% 0.3% GRI 306-4 Upstream waste7 8 Total Fiscal Year 1,000 tons 1,433 1,412 1.5% GRI 306-1 Upstream waste Non-hazardous waste Fiscal Year 1,000 tons 1,369 1,3498 1.5% GRI 306-1 Hazardous waste Fiscal Year 1,000 tons 63 638 1.0% GRI 306-1 Water Total Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 14.26 12.93 10.3% GRI 303-3, WEF Surface water Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 1.10 1.03 7.0% GRI 303-3, WEF Water withdrawal Groundwater Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 9.26 7.94 16.6% GRI 303-3, WEF 3rd party water Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 3.85 3.91 −1.5% GRI 303-3, WEF Other sources Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 0.05 0.04 9.9% GRI 303-3, WEF Cubic meter per Water withdrawal intensity Total Fiscal Year Mio. € revenue 183.39 179.71 2.0% GRI 303-3, WEF Water withdrawal in Total Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 1.36 1.344 1.0% GRI 303-3, WEF water-stressed areas Share of withdrawal Fiscal Year % of total withdrawal 10% 10%4 −8.4% GRI 303-3, WEF Water consumption Total Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 0.51 0.45 13.3% GRI 303-5 Cubic meter per Water consumption intensity Total Fiscal Year Mio. € revenue 6.52 6.22 4.8% GRI 303-5 Water consumption in Total Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 0.07 0.07 1.5% GRI 303-5 water-stressed areas % of total Consumption share Fiscal Year consumption 15% 16.2% −10.4% GRI 303-5 Total Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 13.56 12.36 9.7% GRI 303-4 Water discharge Surface water Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 1.03 1.07 −3.4% GRI 303-4 Groundwater Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 9.20 7.73 19.0% GRI 303-4 3rd party water Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 3.33 3.56 −6.5% GRI 303-4 Total Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 13.56 12.36 9.7% GRI 303-4 Sanitary wastewater Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 2.80 2.90 −3.6% GRI303-4 Manufacturing processes Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 0.61 0.55 11.7% GRI303-4 Other Discharge usage (including losses) Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 0.24 0.33 −26.3% GRI303-4 Cooling water dis- charged as wastewater Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 0.14 0.13 5.2% GRI303-4 Chemically unchanged cooling water (returned to receiving water body chemically unchanged, but warmed) Fiscal Year Million cubic meter 9.80 8.49 15.5% GRI303-4 4 Change in last year data caused by subsequent adjustment. 7 Analysis of our supply chain based on purchase data by using of a macroeconomic input-output-model also adjusted for inflation. 8 Change in last year data caused by new calculation method. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 113