7.6 WEF IBC Metric Pillars Theme Core metrics Reference Omission People Dignity and Diversity and inclusion (%) Sustainability Report 2023 equality Percentage of employees per employee category, by age group, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion gender and other indicators of diversity (e.g. ethnicity). p. 89 ff Our sustainability indicators p. 106 ff Pay equality (%) Sustainability Report 2023 Siemens pursues Ratio of the basic salary and remuneration for each employee Working at Siemens the principle of category by significant locations of operation for priority areas of p. 82 ff performance- equality: women to men, minor to major ethnic groups, and other Our sustainability indicators related compen- relevant equality areas. p. 106 ff sation – regardless of gender. Remuneration data is regarded confidential and is therefore not reported. Wage level (%) Siemens pursues Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local the principle of minimum wage. performance- Ratio of the annual total compensation of the CEO to the median related compen- of the annual total compensation of all its employees, except the sation – regardless CEO. of gender. Remuneration data is regarded confidential and is therefore not reported. Risk for incidents of child, forced or compulsory labour Sustainability Report 2023 An explanation of the operations and suppliers considered to Human Rights p. 40 ff have significant risk for incidents of child labour, forced or Sustainable supply chain compulsory labour. Such risks could emerge in relation to: practice p. 44 ff a) type of operation (such as manufacturing plant) and type of Business Conduct Guidelines: supplier; and HTTPS://ASSETS.NEW. b) countries or geographic areas with operations and suppliers SIEMENS.COM/SIEMENS/ASSETS/ considered at risk. API/UUID:5C242542E9914B97 AF63090AD509BE74/SAG BCGEN.PDF Health and Health and safety (%) Sustainability Report 2023 well-being The number and rate of fatalities as a result of work-related Occupational health and safety injury; management high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities); p. 97 ff recordable work-related injuries; main types of work-related Our sustainability indicators injury; p. 106 ff and the number of hours worked. An explanation of how the organization facilitates workers’ access to non-occupational medical and healthcare services, and the scope of access provided for employees and workers. Skills for the Training provided (#, $) Sustainability Report 2023 future Average hours of training per person that the organization’s Professional education and life- employees have undertaken during the reporting period, by gender long learning p. 93 ff and employee category (total number of hours of training Our sustainability indicators provided to employees divided by the number of employees). p. 106 ff. Average training and development expenditure per full time employee (total cost of training provided to employees divided by the number of employees). SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 148