2.1 Materiality assessment Result of the materiality assessment and “Innovation and business model” were merged into one We identified 15 material sustainability topics of the greatest combined topic, “Innovation and business model.” relevance to Siemens from both perspectives. “Waste and hazardous substance management” and “Employee develop- The alignment of our material sustainability topics with the ment” were determined in fiscal 2023 to be two additional GRI framework and the SDGs can be found here: material topics. The two topics “Responsible governance” ANNEX GRI INDEX, ANNEX SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Siemens’ material sustainability topics are clearly linked to the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). They also serve as the basis for our considerations related to the DEGREE sustainability framework as well as our overall portfolio strategy and customer considerations. STRATEGY Sustainability topics SDGs DEGREE Climate action1 D ECARBONIZATION Innovation and business model D ECARBONIZATION R ESOURCE EFFICIENCY G OVERNANCE Cybersecurity and data management E THICS Social and ecological standards in the supply chain G OVERNANCE Corporate governance and sustainability leadership G OVERNANCE Partner management and collaboration G OVERNANCE D ECARBONIZATION ESG risk management G OVERNANCE E THICS Compliance management G OVERNANCE E THICS 1 Sustainable product design and lifecycle management R ESOURCE EFFICIENCY Waste and hazardous substance management R ESOURCE EFFICIENCY Sustainable handling of natural resources and R ESOURCE EFFICIENCY material efficiency Diversity, equity, and inclusion E QUITY Future of work E QUITY E MPLOYABILITY Employee development E QUITY E MPLOYABILITY Employee health and safety E MPLOYABILITY 1 Top 2 material sustainability topics. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 22