3.1 Compliance and ethics Targets → We are transforming and modernizing the technology Our ethics approach is also embedded in our DEGREE that supports our compliance management system in sustainability framework within the field of action Ethics. order to keep pace with the digital transformation of our company. This includes our new cloud-based solutions, which we have leveraged to further streamline and auto- E Ethics mate our risk-based compliance processes and support data-driven holistic risk management and continuous Progress on DEGREE ambition #3: control activities. With these cloud-based solutions, we Striving to train 100% of our people on aim to improve assurance and efficiency of compliance the Siemens Business Conduct Guidelines activities at Siemens. every three years Compliance training As part of the DEGREE sustainability framework, To ensure that compliance and integrity are embedded Siemens has set itself the ambition of training all throughout the organization, Siemens employees and the employees on BCGs in a three-year cycle. The current Compliance organization receive targeted, group-oriented, cycle started in fiscal 2023. By end of this fiscal year the risk-based training on compliance topics. new BCG training “Doing the right thing!” has been rolled out to 71% of all active employees worldwide Our employees learn through mandatory web-based train- with a current KPI result of 69% newly trained employees ings and non-mandatory learning products about compli- in this cycle. Therefore, the DEGREE ambition for Ethics ance topics and on the content of our BCGs. We train all our is on track. employees (full-time and part-time) worldwide. Employers of external employees are contractually obligated to comply Progress with the Supplier Code of Conduct and must ensure compli- From FY 23 69% 100% by 2025 ance by external employees as part of the onboarding pro- cess Siemens without SHS We strive to train every employee worldwide on the BCGs in a recurring three-year cycle, according to the Ethics DEGREE target. The new three-year cycle started in fiscal 2023. In Actions and results July 2023, the rollout of an update to our BCG web-based training began, which now includes our Ethical Principles. Progress in fiscal 2023 Our learning management system SABA tracks the mandatory In fiscal 2023, we continued to make progress with our training courses. The completion of training requirements is Siemens compliance system, including: visible in our SABA dashboard, and detail reporting is available for the management on demand. → Enhancing our integrated risk management approach with updated technology to better continuously monitor In addition, materials are regularly offered through the and update risks. This enables us to rapidly adapt to Integrity Dialog initiative. With this initiative, managers have factors like emerging risks, business transformation, and an opportunity to discuss and raise awareness of current changing regulatory and geopolitical conditions. compliance topics with their teams. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 37