7.1 Reporting methodology Employee turnover is defined as the ratio of voluntary and involuntary exits from Siemens during the fiscal year to the average number of employees. Voluntary turnover rate is based on employee decision, whereas Involuntary turnover rate is based on other reasons, including dismissals, end of temporary contract, mutual consent, (early) retirement, death, and other reasons that are not the employee’s decision. Hiring rate is defined as the ratio of hirings into the Siemens group during the fiscal year to the average number of employees. The headcount numbers and rates for employees in management positions include all managers with disci- plinary responsibility, but without Management Board Members (MBM). Independent assurance Our sustainability reporting is subject to high quality stan- dards. Therefore, as in previous years, we commissioned an independent audit firm to conduct a limited assurance of our Sustainability Report 2023. The results of the assurance conducted by Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- gesellschaft are presented in the chapter titled “Independent auditor’s limited assurance report.” Editor’s note An effort has been made to use gender-neutral language throughout. Nevertheless, if on occasion the masculine form is used for easier readability, it stands for people of all genders. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 127