7.4 Task Force on ClimateRelated Financial Disclosures (TCFD) In addition to our strategic sustainability activities, the CSO The CEOs of Digital Industries, Smart Infrastructure, Siemens ensures that we operate in compliance with our environ- Mobility, and Siemens Financial Services (SFS) are supported mental guidelines. Our EHS Principles serve as internal by their respective Heads of SUS to achieve their sustainabil- binding guidelines for this purpose. Siemens has also ity mandates. The Heads of SUS also assist the Global Head founded expert panels to ensure that environmental consid- of SUS with their responsibilities in the Sustainability depart- erations are integral to our decision-making. The Global ment, as they pertain to their businesses. Heads of SUS have Board EHS is composed of subject-matter experts who a governance reporting line to the Global Head of SUS in develop environmental protection measures and programs addition to their reporting line to their respective CEOs. The and provide advice to the Chief People and Sustainability Heads of SUS are appointed by the respective CEOs, in align- Officer in consultation with the Siemens Sustainability Board. ment with the Global Head of SUS. SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATION, CDP 2023 C1, OUR DEGREE SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK In addition, the CEOs of the business units in Digital Industries, Smart Infrastructure, Siemens Mobility, and SFS each appoint Governance at the business and management levels Sustainability Managers who have a governance reporting The Global Head of Sustainability (Global Head of SUS) leads line to the Heads of SUS and to their reporting line to their the Siemens Sustainability department. In this capacity, the respective CEOs. Global Head of SUS reports to the CSO on all Siemens sustainability topics excluding sustainability business and Lead Country SUS Managers support their respective Lead related strategy topics. For the latter topics, the Global Head Country CEOs and their assigned countries. They also lead of SUS reports to Siemens’ CEO. The Global Head of SUS is a Siemens’ sustainability topics within the scope of responsi- regular member of the SSB. The Global Head of SUS regularly bility of the Lead Country management. informs the Supervisory Board on sustainability matters. Our Service and Governance units are responsible for the The Siemens Sustainability department is responsible for ongoing development of sustainability-related topics within developing our DEGREE sustainability framework in coordi- their own mandate in line with the DEGREE sustainability nation with the SSB, businesses, Service and Governance framework and regulatory and organizational requirements. units, and countries and controlling the DEGREE target achievements. Responsibility for sustainability reporting and Lastly, Sustainability Risk Due Diligence Subject Matter the Net Zero Operations Program also lies with the Sustain- Experts are appointed by and support Digital Industries, ability department. It also governs the purchase of carbon Smart Infrastructure, Siemens Mobility, and SFS to responsibly offsets and the Sustainability Risk Due Diligence Process. The conduct the Sustainability Risk Due Diligence Process. Sustainability department also supports sustainability initia- tives with scalability across Siemens. This includes developing Siemens’ Environmental Council assesses Siemens’ environ- the processes, training, and tools needed to address over- mental risks, opportunities, and trends based on uniform arching sustainability topics for our countries, businesses, criteria and reports them to the Siemens Enterprise Risk and Service and Governance units in collaboration with other Management. The council is composed of environmental Siemens organizations. Finally, the Sustainability department experts from our business units and countries as well as is responsible for developing strategic considerations for the experts in corporate governance, environmental protection, Siemens sustainability business in alignment with the supply chain, sustainability, finance, technology, real estate, Managing Board, EC SUS, and the CEOs. and insurance. SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATION, SUSTAINABLE CEOs are ultimately responsible for all sustainability topics in SUPPLY CHAIN PRACTICES, ENVIORNMENT, CONSERVING RESOURCES, their area of responsibility. This includes responsibility for CDP 2023 C1, OUR DEGREE SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK the sustainability business, implementation of DEGREE, sustainability reporting, the Sustainability Risk Due Diligence Process, and other related responsibilities. SIEMENS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 137