Annual Financial Statements 2. Balance Sheet Sep. 30, (in millions of €) Note 2023 2022 Assets Non-current assets 10 Intangible assets 285 153 Property, plant and equipment 1,022 928 Financial assets 71,303 71,576 72,610 72,657 Current assets Inventories 11 2,487 2,377 Advance payments received (916) (1,043) 1,571 1,334 Receivables and other assets 12 Trade receivables 1,762 1,657 Receivables from affiliated companies 21,630 26,093 Other receivables and other assets 1,227 1,340 24,619 29,090 Other Securities 164 170 Cash and cash equivalents 2,370 1,454 28,724 32,047 Prepaid expenses 223 220 Deferred tax assets 13 2,294 2,065 Active difference resulting from offsetting 14 33 16 Total assets 103,884 107,005 Shareholders´ equity and liabilities Shareholders´ equity 15 Subscribed capital1 2,400 2,550 Treasury shares (30) (172) Issued capital 2,370 2,378 Capital reserve 8,737 8,445 Other retained earnings 6,555 6,188 Unappropriated net income 3,760 3,613 21,422 20,623 Special reserve with an equity portion 540 540 Provisions Provisions for pensions and similar commitments 16 13,604 13,380 Provisions for taxes 680 602 Other provisions 17 3,987 3,711 18,270 17,693 Liabilities 18 Liabilities to banks 339 639 Trade payables 2,374 2,249 Liabilities to affiliated companies 59,483 63,946 Other liabilities 1,222 1,080 63,417 67,914 Deferred income 235 235 Total shareholders´ equity and liabilities 103,884 107,005 ¹ Conditional Capital as of September 30, 2023 and 2022 amounted to €421 million and €421 million, respectively. 4

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