Compensation Report → C. Compensation of Supervisory Board members C. Compensation of Supervisory Board members The currently applicable rules for Supervisory Board compensation are set out in Section 17 of the Articles of Association of Siemens AG. They have been in effect since October 1, 2021, and stem from a decision of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on February 3, 2021, in accordance with Section 113 para. 3 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). The compensation system for Supervisory Board members submitted to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting and the proposed new version of Section 17 of the Articles of Association were approved by a majority of 97.49% of the valid votes cast. The compensation system approved by the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting as well as the Articles of Association are publicly available on the Siemens Global Website at WWW.SIEMENS.COM/CORPORATE-GOVERNANCE. Supervisory Board compensation consists entirely of fixed compensation; it reflects the responsibilities and scope of the work of the Supervisory Board members. Under the applicable rules, the members of the Supervisory Board receive base compensation for each full fiscal year, and the members of the Audit Committee, the Chairman’s Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Innovation and Finance Committee receive additional compensation for their committee work. The Chairman and Deputy Chairs of the Supervisory Board as well as the chairs of the Audit Committee, the Chairman’s Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Innovation and Finance Committee receive additional compensation. Compensation of members of the Supervisory Board and its committees Chairman Deputy Chair Member €280,000 €210,000 €140,000 Additional compensation for committee work Audit Committee Chairman's Committee Compensation Innovation and Committee Finance Committee Chair Chair Chair Chair €180,000 €80,000 €80,000 €80,000 Member Member Member Member €90,000 €40,000 €40,000 €40,000 In the event of changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board and/or its committees within a fiscal year, compensation is paid on a pro-rated basis, rounding up to the next full month. In addition, the members of the Supervisory Board receive a fee of €2,000 for each of the meetings of the Supervisory Board and its committees that they attend. Attendance at a meeting also includes participation via telephone, video conference or other similar customary means of communication. For attendance at several meetings on the same day, only a single fee is paid. The members of the Supervisory Board are reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with their duties and for any value-added tax to be paid on their compensation. For the performance of his duties, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board is also entitled to an office with secretarial support and the use of a car service. No loans or advances from the Company are provided to members of the Supervisory Board. FISCAL 2023 32