Compensation Report → B. Compensation of Managing Board members Information on the transfer of the 2019 Stock Awards tranche Maximum Maximum allocation Allocation number of Target Number of Value at amount price Stock Awards achievement Stock Awards transfer day (based on (based on of share based on Cash payment 200% target 200% target price target Siemens Energy 1 achievement) Nov. 9, 2018 achievement) performance achievement Nov. 18, 2022 spin-off Managing Board members in office on September 30, 2023 with a commitment of the Stock Awards from the 2019 tranche Dr. Roland Busch €2,280,000 / €85.03 = 26,815 x 91% = 12,202 > €1,580,891 + €89,532 2 Cedrik Neike €2,280,000 / €85.03 = 26,815 x 91% = 12,202 > €1,580,891 + €89,532 Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas €2,850,000 / €85.03 = 33,518 x 91% = 15,251 > €1,975,920 + €111,904 1 The Stock Awards settled by share transfer were valued at €129.56, the German low price of the Siemens share on November 18, 2022. 2 In addition to his position as a member of the Managing Board, Cedrik Neike served as Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of Siemens Ltd. China from May 1, 2017, to March 31, 2019. Of the allocated number of Stock Awards reported here, 2,940 are attributable to the commitment by Siemens Ltd. China. Of the calculated number of Stock Awards reported here, 1,338 were awarded and paid by Siemens Ltd. China. In the course of transferring the 2019 Stock Awards tranche, compliance with the maximum amounts of total compensation for fiscal 2019 was also reviewed. The applicable maximum amount was not exceeded in the case of any Managing Board member. B.3.2.4 CHANGES IN STOCK AWARDS IN FISCAL 2023 The following overview shows the changes in the balance of the Stock Awards held by Managing Board members in fiscal 2023. Changes in Stock Awards in fiscal 2023 During fiscal year Balance at beginning Balance at the end 1 2 (Amount in number of units) of fiscal 2023 Allocated Vested and settled Other changes of fiscal 2023 Managing Board members in office on September 30, 2023 Dr. Roland Busch 154,052 58,484 (12,202) (14,613) 185,721 3 Cedrik Neike 98,036 25,740 (12,202) (14,613) 96,961 4 Matthias Rebellius 44,936 24,164 – – 69,100 Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas 127,859 37,559 (15,251) (18,267) 131,900 5 Judith Wiese 59,881 24,164 – – 84,045 1 Starting with the 2019 tranche, the settlement of Stock Awards will be entirely by share transfer. For this reason, the number of Stock Awards, as set out in the table, is based on a target achievement of 200%. At the end of the vesting period, a final number of Siemens shares to be transferred will be determined on the basis of actual target achievement and taking into account the Stock Awards cap. 2 The target achievement of the Stock Awards from the 2019 tranche, which were due and settled in fiscal 2023, was 91%. Since the Stock Awards were initially allocated on the basis of 200% target achievement, a number equivalent to this shortfall was forfeited without refund or replacement, in accordance with plan requirements. 3 In addition to his position as a member of the Managing Board, Cedrik Neike served as Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of Siemens Ltd. China from May 1, 2017, to March 31, 2019. The reported figures include the Stock Awards allocated to Cedrik Neike by Siemens Ltd. China due to this position. 4 In addition to his position as a member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG, Matthias Rebellius is CEO of Smart Infrastructure and CEO of Siemens Schweiz AG. The corresponding legal relationship is defined in a separate contract between Matthias Rebellius and Siemens Schweiz AG. The entire compensation he receives under the terms of his contract with Siemens Schweiz AG is deducted from his Managing Board compensation. The Stock Awards reported here also include the Stock Awards allocated by Siemens Schweiz AG since the appointment of Matthias Rebellius to the Managing Board of Siemens AG. 5 The reported figures also include the Stock Awards allocated to Judith Wiese in November 2020 as compensation for the loss of benefits granted by her former employer in addition to the regular allocation of Stock Awards from the 2021 tranche. FISCAL 2023 24