Corporate Governance Statement 8. Share transactions by of the Managing and Supervisory Boards and may contest members of the Managing and decisions of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. Sharehold Supervisory Boards ers owning Siemens stock with an aggregate notional value of € 100,000 or more may also demand the judicial Pursuant to Article 19 of EU Regulation No. 596 / 2014 of appointment of special auditors to examine specific is the European Parliament and Council of April 16, 2014, sues. The reports, documents and information required by on market abuse (Market Abuse Regulation), members of law for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, including the the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board are Annual Financial Report, can be downloaded from the legally required to disclose all transactions conducted on Siemens Global Website. The same applies to the agenda their own account relating to the shares or debt instru for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting and to any counter ments of Siemens AG or to the derivatives or financial proposals or shareholders’ nominations that may require instruments linked thereto if the total value of such trans disclosure. For the election of shareholder representatives actions entered into by a board member or any closely on the Supervisory Board, a detailed curriculum vitae of associated person in any calendar year reaches or ex every candidate is published. ceeds € 20,000. All transactions reported to Siemens AG in fiscal 2023 have been duly published and are available Pursuant to a decision by the Annual Shareholders’ Meet on the Siemens Global Website at WWW.SIEMENS.COM/ ing on February 9, 2023, the Articles of Association have DIRECTORS-DEALINGS. been amended and the Managing Board has been autho rized to allow for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be held without shareholders or their representatives being 9. Annual Shareholders’ Meeting physically present at the place of the Annual Shareholders’ and investor relations Meeting (virtual shareholders’ meeting). This authoriza tion applies to holding virtual shareholders’ meetings in a Shareholders exercise their rights at the Annual Share period of two years after the registration of this amend holders’ Meeting. An ordinary Annual Shareholders’ Meet ment in the Company’s commercial registers. This regis ing normally takes place within the first five months of tration took place in May 2023. each fiscal year. The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting de cides, among other things, on the appropriation of net As part of our investor relations activities, we inform our income, the ratification of the acts of the members of the investors comprehensively about developments within Managing and Supervisory Boards, and the appointment the Company. For communication purposes, Siemens of the independent auditors. Amendments to the Articles makes extensive use of the Internet. We publish quarterly of Association and measures that change the Company’s statements, Halfyear and Annual Financial Reports, capital stock are approved at the Annual Shareholders’ earnings releases, ad hoc announcements, analyst Meeting and implemented by the Managing Board. The presentations, letters to shareholders and press releases Managing Board facilitates shareholder participation in as well as the financial calendar for the current year, this meeting through electronic communications – in par which contains the publication dates of significant ticular, via the Internet – and enables shareholders who financial communications and the date of the Annual are unable to attend the meeting to vote by proxy. Proxies Shareholders’ Meeting, at WWW.SIEMENS.COM/INVESTORS. can also be reached during the Annual Shareholders’ The Chairman of the Super visory Board regularly dis Meeting. Furthermore, shareholders may exercise their cusses SupervisoryBoardspecific topics with investors. right to vote in writing or by means of electronic commu nications (absentee voting). The Managing Board may The Articles of Association of Siemens AG, the Bylaws enable shareholders to participate in the Annual Share for the Supervisory Board, the bylaws for the most holders’ Meeting without the need to be present at the important Supervisory Board committees, the Bylaws venue and without a proxy and to exercise some or all of for the Managing Board, our Declarations of Conformity with the Code and a variety of other corporate their rights fully or partially by means of electronic com munications. The Company enables shareholders to follow governance related documents are posted on the the entire Annual Shareholders’ Meeting via the Internet. Siemens Global Website at WWW.SIEMENS.COM/ Shareholders may submit motions regarding the proposals CORPORATE- GOVERNANCE. 15