Corporate Governance Statement 7. Objectives regarding the Board must have knowledge and expertise in the area Supervisory Board’s composition of accounting, and at least one additional member of as well as the profile of required the Supervisory Board must have knowledge and skills and expertise and the expertise in the auditing of financial statements. The diversity concept for the Super­ expertise in the field of accounting shall consist of special knowledge and experience in the application visory Board of accounting principles and internal control and risk management systems and the expertise in the field of In September 2022, the Supervisory Board approved the auditing shall consist of special knowledge and objectives for its composition including the profile of experience in the auditing of financial statements. required skills and expertise and the diversity concept: Accounting and auditing also include sustainability reporting and its audit and assurance. The chairman “ The composition of the Supervisory Board of ­ of the audit committee shall have appropriate exper Siemens AG shall be such that the Supervisory Board’s tise in at least one of the two areas and shall be inde­ ability to effectively monitor and advise the Managing pendent. In particular, the Supervisory Board shall Board is ensured. In this connection, mutually comple­ also include members who have leadership experi­ mentary collaboration among members with a wide ence as senior executives or members of a supervisory range of personal and professional backgrounds board (or comparable body) at a major company with and diversity with regard to internationality, age and international operations. gender are considered helpful. When a new member is to be appointed, a review Profile of required skills and expertise shall be performed to determine which of the areas The candidates proposed for election to the Super­ of expertise deemed desirable for the Supervisory visory Board shall have the knowledge, skills and Board are to be strengthened. experience necessary to carry out the functions of a Supervisory Board member in a multinational com­ Internationality pany oriented toward the capital markets and to safe­ Taking the Company’s international orientation into guard the reputation of Siemens in public. In particu­ account, care shall be taken to ensure that the Super­ lar, care shall be taken with regard to the personality, visory Board has an adequate number of members integrity, commitment and professionalism of the with extensive international experience. The goal is to individuals proposed for election. make sure that the present considerable share of Supervisory Board members with extensive inter­ The goal is to ensure that, in the Supervisory Board, as national experience is maintained. a group, all the knowhow and experience is available that is considered essential in view of Siemens’ acti­ Diversity vities. This includes, for instance, knowledge and With regard to the composition of the Supervisory experience in the areas of technology (including infor­ Board, attention shall be paid to achieving sufficient mation technology, digitalization and cybersecurity), diversity. Not only is appropriate consideration to be sustainability, transformation, procurement, manu­ given to women. Diversity of cultural heritage and a facturing, research and development, sales, finance, wide range of educational and professional back­ risk management, law (including compliance) and grounds, experiences and ways of thinking are also to human resources. In addition, the members of the be promoted. When considering possible candidates Supervisory Board shall collectively have knowledge for new elections or for filling Supervisory Board and experience in the business areas that are impor­ positions that have become vacant, the Supervisory tant for Siemens, in particular, in the areas of industry, Board shall give appropriate consideration to diversity infrastructure, energy, mobility and healthcare. As a at an early stage in the selection process. group, the members of the Supervisory Board are to be familiar with the sector in which the Company In accordance with the German Stock Corporation operates. In accordance with the German Stock Cor­ Act, the Supervisory Board is composed of at least poration Act, at least one member of the Supervisory 30 % women and at least 30 % men. The Nominating 11

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