Corporate Governance Statement The Nominating Committee is responsible for making The Supervisory Board has not established a dedicated recommendations to the Supervisory Board on suitable sustainability committee. Sustainability is one of the candidates for the election by the Annual Shareholders’ focus topics of the Supervisory Board’s work. Sustain­ Meeting of shareholder representatives on the Super visory ability is of such central importance for Siemens that it Board. In preparing these recommendations, the objec­ is discussed regularly and in detail at the Supervisory tives defined by the Supervisory Board for its composition Board’s plenary meetings. As a cross­cutting issue, and the approved diversity concept – in particular, inde­ sustainability touches on the areas of responsibility of pendence and diversity – are to be appropriately consid­ several committees. To the extent that sustainability ered, as are the proposed candidates’ required knowledge, affects reporting, the Audit Committee considers abilities and professional experience. Fulfillment of the sustainability­related questions in detail and reports on required profile of skills and expertise is also to be aimed these matters at the Supervisory Board’s plenary meet­ at. Attention shall be paid to an appropriate participation ings. To prepare for discussions and decisions at these ­ meetings, the sustainability­related aspects of Managing of women and men in accordance with the legal require ments relating to the gender quota as well as to ensuring Board compensation are dealt with in the Compensation that the members of the Supervisory Board are, as a group, Committee. familiar with the sector in which the Company operates. Further details regarding the operation and composition As of September 30, 2023, the Nominating Commit­ of the Supervisory Board and its committees are pro­ tee comprised Jim Hagemann Snabe (Chairman), vided in the Bylaws for the Supervisory Board and the Dr. Werner Brandt, Benoît Potier and Dr. Nathalie von bylaws for its committees, which are publicly available Siemens. on the Siemens Global Website at WWW.SIEMENS.COM/ CORPORATE-GOVERNANCE. The Mediation Committee submits proposals to the Supervisory Board in the event that the Supervisory SUPERVISORY BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT Board cannot reach the two­thirds majority required for The Supervisory Board and its committees regularly con­ the appointment or dismissal of a Managing Board duct reviews – either internally or with the involvement member on the first ballot. of external consultants – in order to determine how efficiently they perform their duties. In fiscal 2023, the As of September 30, 2023, the Mediation Commit­ Supervisory Board conducted an internal self­assess­ tee comprised Jim Hagemann Snabe (Chairman), ment. At its meeting on September 22, 2023, the Super­ Dr. Werner Brandt, Jürgen Kerner and Birgit Steinborn. visory Board concerned itself intensively with the results of the assessment and the measures to be derived from Based on the Company’s overall strategy, the Innovation it. The results of the assessment confirm that coopera­ and Finance Committee discusses, in particular, the tion within the Supervisory Board and with the Manag­ Company’s innovation focuses and prepares the Supervi­ ing Board is professional, constructive and characterized sory Board’s discussions and decisions regarding ques­ by a high degree of trust and openness. The results also tions relating to the Company’s financial situation and confirm that meetings are organized and conducted structure – including annual planning (budget) – as well efficiently and that the participants receive sufficient ­ as the Company’s fixed asset investments and its finan information. The composition and structure of the cial measures. In addition, the Innovation and Finance Super visory Board, including the structure and mecha­ Committee has been authorized by the Supervisory Board nisms of its committees, were assessed as effective and to decide on the approval of transactions and measures efficient. The review did not reveal a need for any funda­ that require Supervisory Board approval and have a value mental changes. Individual suggestions for improvement of between € 300 million and € 600 million. are also discussed and implemented during the year. As of September 30, 2023, the Innovation and Finance Committee comprised Jim Hagemann Snabe (Chairman), Tobias Bäumler, Dr. Regina E. Dugan, Harald Kern, Jürgen Kerner, Kasper Rørsted, Birgit Steinborn and Grazia Vittadini. 8

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