Report of the Supervisory Board Audit Committee concerned itself in fiscal 2023 – due to Disclosure of participation by individual the regular, legally required external rotation of the Supervisory Board members in meetings independent auditors at the end of fiscal 2023 – with the The average rate of participation by members in the selection and transition procedure for the audit of the meetings of the Supervisory Board and its committees financial statements for fiscal 2024. was 97 %. In fiscal 2023, meetings were held not only in person but, in some cases, also in a virtual format via The Supervisory Board members take part, on their own video conference or in a so-called hybrid format. No responsibility, in the educational and training measures meetings were held via telephone conference. The par- necessary for the performance of their duties – measures ticipation rate of individual members in the meetings of relating, for example, to changes in the legal framework the Supervisory Board and its committees is set out in the and to new, groundbreaking technologies. The Company following chart: supports them in this regard. Internal informational events are regularly offered to support targeted training measures. In March and July of fiscal 2023, three internal training events concerning strategically relevant tech- nology and sustainability-related topics were held for all Supervisory Board members. The Supervisory Board informed itself, in particular, about industrial and generative artificial intelligence and discussed the tech- nological background, application and impact on Siemens’ markets as well as the technology-related and regulatory challenges. New Supervisory Board members can meet with Manag- ing Board members and other managers with specialist responsibility to exchange views on current topics and topics of fundamental importance and thus gain an overview of Company-relevant matters (onboarding). In fiscal 2023, a separate informational event for the new members of the Supervisory Board was held on March 13, 2023, to familiarize those members, in particular, with the Company’s business model and strategy and with the structures of the Siemens Group. As part of this onboard- ing program, Supervisory Board members also have the opportunity to visit the various locations of different Siemens business areas and gain an insight into the port- folio as well as production and manufacturing methods. Longer-serving Supervisory Board members may also attend onboarding events and regularly do so. FISCAL 2023 7

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