Consolidated Financial Statements 6. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements NOTE 1 Basis of presentation The accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements present the operations of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft with registered offices in Berlin (registry number HRB 12300) and Munich (registry number HRB 6684), Germany, and its subsidiaries (the Company or Siemens). They have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European Union as well as with the additional requirements set forth in Section 315e (1) of the German Commercial Code (HGB). The Consolidated Financial Statements are in accordance with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The Consolidated Financial Statements were authorized for issue by the Managing Board on December 4, 2023. Siemens prepares and reports its Consolidated Financial Statements in euros (€). Due to rounding, numbers presented may not add up precisely to totals provided. Siemens is a German based multinational focused technology company. NOTE 2 Material accounting policies and critical accounting estimates Certain of the following accounting policies require critical accounting estimates that involve complex and subjective judgments and the use of assumptions, some of which may be for matters that are inherently uncertain and susceptible to change. Such critical accounting estimates could change from period to period and have a material impact on the Company’s results of operations, financial positions and cash flows. Critical accounting estimates could also involve estimates where Siemens reasonably could have used a different estimate in the current accounting period. Siemens cautions that future events often vary from forecasts and that estimates routinely require adjustment. Siemens operates in an increasingly complex and uncertain macroeconomic and geopolitical environment, particularly due to the war in Ukraine and the conflict in Israel-Gaza/Middle East. Notably, we face continuing inflation, increased interest rates, volatile foreign currencies and share prices along with a rising apprehension of a slow-down of economic growth in significant markets compared to prior years. Uncertainties increase in prognosis and forecasts, in applying critical accounting estimates and in using management judgements. Those trends could impact fair values and carrying amounts of assets and liabilities, amount and timing of results of operations and cash flows of Siemens. Severity and duration of those trends are decisive on the magnitude of its impact on Siemens’ Consolidated Financial Statements. Siemens based its estimates and assumptions on existing knowledge and best information available. Basis of consolidation – The Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of Siemens AG and its subsidiaries over which the Company has control. Siemens controls an investee if it has power over the investee. In addition, Siemens is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from the involvement with the investee and Siemens is able to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of Siemens’ return. Business combinations – Cost of an acquisition is measured at the fair value of the assets given and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of exchange. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination (including contingent liabilities) are initially measured at their fair values at the acquisition date, irrespective of the extent of any non-controlling interest. Non-controlling interests are measured at the proportional fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed (partial goodwill method). If there is no loss of control, transactions with non-controlling interests are accounted for as equity transactions not affecting net income. At the date control is lost, any retained equity interests are remeasured to fair value. In case of a written put option on non-controlling interests the Company assesses whether the prerequisites for the transfer of present ownership interest are fulfilled at the balance sheet date. If the Company is not the beneficial owner of the shares underlying the put option, the exercise of the put option will be assumed at each balance sheet date and treated as equity transaction between shareholders with the recognition of a purchase liability at the respective exercise price. The non-controlling interests participate in profits and losses during the reporting period. Associates and joint ventures – Associates are companies over which Siemens has the ability to exercise significant influence over operating and financial policies (generally through direct or indirect ownership of 20% to 50% of the voting rights). Joint ventures are entities over which Siemens and one or more parties have joint control. Joint control requires unanimous consent of the parties sharing control in decision making on relevant activities. Associates and joint ventures are recorded in the Consolidated Financial Statements using the equity method and are initially recognized at cost. If the investment was retained in a transaction in which Siemens lost control of a subsidiary, the fair value of the investment represents the cost on initial recognition. Siemens’ share of its associate’s or joint venture’s post-acquisition profits or losses is recognized in the Consolidated Statements of Income, and its share of post-acquisition changes in equity that have not been recognized in the associate’s or joint venture’s profit or loss is recognized directly in equity. The cumulative post-acquisition changes also include effects from fair value adjustments and are adjusted against the carrying amount of the investment. When Siemens’ share of losses in an associate or joint venture equals or exceeds its interest in the investment, Siemens does not recognize further losses, unless it incurs obligations or makes payments on behalf of the associate or joint venture. The interest in an associate or joint venture is the carrying amount of the investment together with any long-term interests that, in substance, form part of Siemens’ net investment in the associate or joint venture. Siemens reviews associates and joint ventures for impairment whenever there is objective evidence that its investment is impaired, for example a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the investment below its cost. In addition, Siemens similarly assesses whether there are indications that an impairment loss recorded in prior periods may no longer exist or may have decreased. If this is the case, any reversal of an impairment loss is recognized to the extent that the recoverable amount subsequently increases, not exceeding the carrying amount, had no impairment loss been recognized in previous periods. Impairments and reversal of impairments include the use of judgements. Foreign currency translation – Assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries, where the functional currency is other than the euro, are translated using the spot exchange rate at the end of the reporting period, while the Consolidated Statements of Income are translated using average exchange rates during the period. Differences arising from such translations are recognized within equity and reclassified to net income when the gain or loss on disposal of the foreign subsidiary is recognized. The Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows are translated at average exchange rates during the period, whereas cash and cash equivalents are translated at the spot exchange rate at the end of the reporting period. 7

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