Combined Management Report EU Taxonomy – OpEx OpEx Substantial contribution criteria DNSH criteria Minimum Taxonomy- Category Absolute Proportion of safe- aligned (E = enabling; OpEx OpEx guards proportion T = stems of OpEx transitional) Codes Climate change Climate change Climate change Climate change marine Circular and mitigation adaptation mitigation adaptationWater and resourceseconomyPollutionBiodiversityecosy Economic activities (in millions of €) % % % Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N % E/T A.2. Taxonomy-Eligible but not environmentally sustainable activities (not Taxonomy-aligned activities) Manufacture of low carbon technologies for transport 3.3 26 0.4% Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment for buildings 3.5 189 2.6% Manufacture of other low carbon technologies 3.6 24 0.3% Transmission and distribution of electricity 4.9 2 0.0% 1 Infrastructure for rail transport 6.14 0 0.0% Infrastructure enabling low-carbon road transport and public 6.15 0 0.0% 1 transport 1 Construction of new buildings 7.1 0 0.0% Renovation of existing buildings 7.2 15 0.2% Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency 7.3 16 0.2% equipment Installation, maintenance and repair of charging stations for electric vehicles in buildings (and parking spaces attached to 7.4 1 0.0% buildings) Installation, maintenance and repair of instruments and devices for measuring, regulation and controlling energy performance 7.5 3 0.0% of buildings Installation, maintenance and repair of renewable energy 7.6 1 0.0% technologies Acquisition and ownership of buildings 7.7 21 0.3% Data-driven solutions for GHG emissions reductions 8.2 9 0.1% OpEx of Taxonomy-eligible but not environmentally sustainable 307 4.2% activities (not Taxonomy-aligned activities) (A.2.) Total (A.1 + A.2) 905 12.4% 8.2% B. Taxonomy-non-eligible activities OpEx of Taxonomy-non-eligible activities (B) 6,369 87.6% Total (A+B) 7,274 100.0% ¹ Value below €0.5 million, therefore rounded to zero. Draft Confidential 44

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