Consolidated Financial Statements Equity Net income Equity interest in millions in millions in % of € of € 11 Other investments Germany (4 companies) 4, 5 Erlapolis 20 GmbH, Munich 100 3 15 4, 5 Erlapolis 22 GmbH, Munich 100 − 67 4, 5 Munipolis GmbH, Munich 100 1 273 4, 5 SPT Beteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG, Grünwald 100 (1,795) 5,693 Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.), Africa, Middle East (without Germany) (2 companies) 5 Medical Systems S.p.A., Genoa / Italy 45 2 132 KIC InnoEnergy S.E., Eindhoven / Netherlands 6 113 314 Americas (2 companies) Electrify America, LLC, Wilmington, DE / United States 9 (64) 782 Thoughtworks Holding Inc., Wilmington, DE / United States 8 (99) 730 ¹ Control due to a majority of voting rights. ² Control due to rights to appoint, reassign or remove members of the key management personnel. ³ Control due to contractual arrangements to determine the direction of the relevant activities. X No control due to contractual arrangements or legal circumstances. Y No significant influence due to contractual arrangements or legal circumstances. l Significant influence due to contractual arrangements or legal circumstances. m Not consolidated due to immateriality. n Not accounted for using the equity method due to immateriality. o Exemption pursuant to Section 264 b German Commercial Code. Lp Exemption pursuant to Section 264 (3) German Commercial Code. ¹¹ Values according to the latest available local GAAP financial statements; the underlying fiscal year may differ from the Siemens fiscal year. ¹² Siemens AG is a shareholder with unlimited liability of this company. ¹³ A consolidated affiliated company of Siemens AG is a shareholder with unlimited liability of this company. 58